/L10"MPD" 1Line Comment = # Block Comment On = /* Block Comment Off = */ String Chars = "' File Extensions = MPD /Delimiters = ~!@$%^&*()+=|\/{}[]:;"'<> ,.?/ /Indent Strings = "{" /Unindent Strings = "}" /Function String = "%op.*[a-zA-Z_]*)[~;]" /C1 resource global /C2 bool int char real double string file enum rec union ptr cap type const /C3 sem op proc procedure process /C4 and any begin body bool by call cap co create destroy downto else end exit extend external false final for fork forward high if import in low mod new next ni noop not null oc on op optype or P ptr rec receive ref reply res resource return returns send separate skip st stderr stdin stdout stop to true V val var vm while xor