{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-} -- | -- Module : Karatsuba -- Copyright : (c) Philipps Universitaet Marburg 2009-2010 -- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : eden@mathematik.uni-marburg.de -- Stability : beta -- Portability : not portable -- -- The following Haskell module implements a parallel version of the Karatsuba algorithm with Eden. -- -- Depends on the Eden Compiler. -- -- Eden Project module Main where #if defined( __PARALLEL_HASKELL__ ) import Control.Parallel.Eden #else import Control.Parallel.Eden.EdenConcHs #endif import Control.Parallel.Eden.EdenSkel.DCSkels import Control.Parallel.Eden.EdenSkel.MapSkels import System.Environment usage = "I need 4 parameters! version(0-naiveDC,1-DC_Depth,2-DC_Placement,3-dcTickets,4-divConFlat(farm),5-divConFlat(ssf)), parallel depth, " ++ "no. of digits (for number 1 and 2)" main = do args <- getArgs if length args < 4 then putStrLn usage else let i1' = read i1 i2' = read i2 d' = read d t' = read t is = concat (repeat [1..9]) mi1 = take i1' is mi2 = take i2' is result = karat t' d' mi1 mi2 (t:d:i1:i2:_) = args in rnf result `seq` #ifdef CHECK print ((fromMyInteger (fromD result)) == (fromMyInteger mi1)*(fromMyInteger mi2)) #else print "done" #endif fromMyInteger :: MyInteger -> Integer fromMyInteger [] = 0 fromMyInteger (i:is) = (fromIntegral i) + (fromIntegral base)*(fromMyInteger is) data D a = D {fromD :: a} deriving Show instance NFData a => NFData (D a) where rnf (D a) = rnf a instance Trans a => Trans (D a) type MyInteger = [Int] base::Int base = 10 -- Global base for all MyIntegers type MyIntegerS = (MyInteger,Bool) -- False <==> negative karat :: Int -> Int -> MyInteger -> MyInteger -> D MyInteger -- simple DC skeleton, no explicit placement, no deth control karat 0 _ is1 is2 = divCon_c trivial solve split combine $ D (is1,is2) -- simple DC skeleton, no explicit placement, with depth control karat 1 depth is1 is2 = parDC depth trivial solve split combine $ D (is1,is2) karat 2 depth is1 is2 = disDCdepth 3 depth trivial solve split combine $ D (is1,is2) karat 3 depth is1 is2 = disDC 3 tickets trivial solve split combine $ D (is1,is2) where tickets = [2..noPe] karat 4 depth is1 is2 = flatDC mapFarmS depth trivial solve split combine $ D (is1,is2) karat 5 depth is1 is2 = flatDC mapOfflineFarmS depth trivial solve split combine $ D (is1,is2) -- karat _ _ _ _ = D [] -- error... -- trivial stops rekursion when one MyInteger has less then 10 elements trivial :: D (MyInteger,MyInteger) -> Bool trivial (D(is1,is2)) = lmin <= 10 where lmin = min (length is1) (length is2) -- split creates 3 subtasks of tuples(first halves, second halves, sum of first integer halves and sum of second integer halves) which are each multiplied in rekursive steps split :: D (MyInteger,MyInteger) -> [D (MyInteger,MyInteger)] split (D (is1,is2)) = [D(is1a,is2a),D(is1b,is2b),D(sumSeq is1a is1b,sumSeq is2a is2b)] where l1 = length is1 l2 = length is2 lmax = max l1 l2 ldiv = lmax `div` 2 (is1b,is1a) = splitAt ldiv is1 (is2b,is2a) = splitAt ldiv is2 -- combines the three subintegers (subtasks) using the length of the original MyIntegers combine :: D (MyInteger,MyInteger) -> [D MyInteger] -> D MyInteger combine (D(is1,is2)) [D u,D v,D w] = D result where l1 = length is1 l2 = length is2 lmax = max l1 l2 ldiv = lmax `div` 2 u0s = replicate (2*ldiv) 0 ++ u -- u * base^(2*ldiv) (wuv,wuvS) = resSeqS (w,True) ((sumSeq u v),True) --calculate w-u-v (= w-(u+v)) wuv0s = (replicate ldiv 0 ++ wuv,wuvS) -- multiply w-u-v by base^ldiv result = fst (sumSeqS (sumSeq u0s v,True) wuv0s) -- sum of subresults (u * base^(2*ldiv) + (w-u-v)*base^ldiv + v) -- Multiply two arbitrary precision integers solve :: D (MyInteger,MyInteger) -> D MyInteger solve (D(is1,is2)) = D(multSeq isSmall isBig) where l1 = length is1 l2 = length is2 (isSmall,isBig) = if l1 > l2 then (is2,is1) else (is1,is2) -- Multiplying two arbitrary precision integers (the first has to be shorter) multSeq :: MyInteger -> MyInteger -> MyInteger multSeq isSmall isBig = foldl sumSeq [] iss0s where iss = [multEsc i isBig | i <- isSmall] iss0s = zipWith (++) [replicate n 0| n <- [0..]] iss -- Multiplying an arbitrary precision integer at every possition with an Int multEsc :: Int -> MyInteger -> MyInteger multEsc i is = normalize (map (i*) is) -- apply the add carry normalize :: MyInteger -> MyInteger normalize is = noZeros (normalize' 0 is) -- drop zeros at the end noZeros :: MyInteger -> MyInteger noZeros is = reverse (dropWhile (==0) (reverse is)) -- apply the add carry normalize' :: Int -> MyInteger -> MyInteger normalize' 0 [] = [] normalize' i [] = [i] normalize' i (i1:is) = isum:normalize' iacc is where itot = i + i1 isum = itot `mod` base iacc = itot `div` base -- Adding two arbitrary precision integers sumSeq :: MyInteger -> MyInteger -> MyInteger sumSeq is1 is2 = normalize $ zipWith (+) is1' is2' where (is1',is2') | (length is1 > length is2) = (is1,is2++repeat 0) | otherwise = (is1++repeat 0,is2) -- Subtracting two arbitrary precision integers resSeq :: MyInteger -> MyInteger -> MyInteger resSeq is1 is2 = normalize $ zipWith (-) is1 (is2++repeat 0) -- Adding two arbitrary precision integers with sign sumSeqS :: MyIntegerS -> MyIntegerS -> MyIntegerS sumSeqS (is1,b1) (is2,b2) | b1==b2 = (sumSeq is1 is2,b1) | otherwise = (resSeq is1 is2,b1) -- Subtracting two arbitrary precision integers with sign resSeqS :: MyIntegerS -> MyIntegerS -> MyIntegerS resSeqS is1S (is2,b2) = sumSeqS is1S (is2,not b2)