{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
{- Divide and conquer skeleton on top of replicated workers.
   The first parameter of divCon defines the depth at which
   the divide&conquer tree is generated by the main tasks,
   using function generateTasks. After generating enough tasks,
   the replicated workers skeleton is used to solve them with
   a good load balance. Finally, function combineTop combine
   the partial results obtained.
   The data type Tree is needed to pass information from 
   generateTasks to combineTop, so that the subresults can
   be combined in the proper way.   
                                              -- FR10 --

module DivConRW(divConRW,divConDM,divConRW2) where
import Prelude hiding (seq)
import Control.Parallel (pseq)  

import Eden
-- import RW 

-- workpools by MD
import EdenMWToken (mwNest')

-- edi workpool, sorting
import EdiWP

import Data.List
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.Monad
-- import Observe 

seq = pseq 

mw :: (Trans a, Trans b) => 
      Int -> Int -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
mw = ediWPf

-- farm:
unshuffle :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
unshuffle n xs = [takeEach n (drop i xs) | i <- [0..n-1]]
takeEach :: Int -> [a] -> [a] 
takeEach n [] = []
takeEach n (x:xs) = x : takeEach n (drop (n-1) xs)
shuffle :: [[a]] -> [a]
shuffle = concat . transpose

farm :: (Trans a, Trans b) => Int -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
farm np f ts = let inputss = unshuffle np ts 
	       in shuffle (parMapAt (repeat 0) (map f) inputss)

parMapAt :: (Trans a, Trans b) => [Int] -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
parMapAt places f xs
    = unsafePerformIO (
         zipWithM (\pe x -> instantiateAt pe (process f) x)
                  places xs

divConSeq :: (a->Bool) -> (a->b) -> (a->[a]) -> (a->[b]->b) -> a -> b
divConSeq trivial solve split combine x 
 | trivial x = solve x
 | otherwise = combine x children
 where children = map (divConSeq trivial solve split combine) (split x)

divConRW :: (Trans a,Trans b, Show b, Show a, NFData b) => -- , Observable b) => 
           Int -> (a->Bool) -> (a->b) -> (a->[a]) -> (a->[b]->b) -> a -> b
divConRW depth trivial solve split combine x 
  = combineTopMaster combine levels results
  where (tasks,levels) = generateTasks depth trivial split x
        results        = workpool (divConSeq trivial solve split combine) tasks
	workpool f tasks = mw pes 10 f tasks

divConDM :: (Trans a,Trans b, Show b, Show a, NFData a, NFData b) => -- 
          -- , Observable (Tree a), Observable a, Observable b) => 
           Int -> (a->Bool) -> (a->b) -> (a->[a]) -> (a->[b]->b) -> a -> b
divConDM depth trivial solve split combine x 
  = -- results `seq` rnf levels `seq`  
    combineTopMaster combine levels results
  where (tasks,levels) = generateTasks depth trivial split x
        results        = shuffle (parMapAt [2,3..]  
                           (\ i -> map (divConSeq trivial solve split combine) 
                                       ((unshuffle pes tasks)!!i)) [0..pes-1])
pes :: Int
-- pes = noPe 
pes = max 1 (noPe-1)

data Tree a = Tree a [Tree a] | Leaf a  deriving Show
instance NFData a => NFData (Tree a)
 where rnf (Tree a ls) = rnf a `seq` rnf ls 
       rnf (Leaf a)    = rnf a 

-- instance (Observable a) => Observable (Tree a) where
--   observer (Tree a ls) = send "Tree" (return Tree << a << ls)
--   observer (Leaf a)    = send "Leaf" (return Leaf << a)

generateTasks :: Int -> (a->Bool) -> (a->[a]) -> a -> ([a],Tree a)
generateTasks 0 _ _ a = ([a],Leaf a)
generateTasks n trivial split a
 | trivial a = ([a],Leaf a)
 | otherwise = (concat ass,Tree a ts)
 where assts = map (generateTasks (n-1) trivial split) (split a)
       (ass,ts) = unzip assts
foldl_rnf :: NFData a => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
foldl_rnf _ b [] = b
foldl_rnf f b (x:xs) = let new = f b x
                       in rnf new `seq` foldl_rnf f new xs                 
combineTop :: (NFData b, Show b, Show a) => -- , Observable b) => 
              (a->[b]->b) -> (Tree a) -> [b] -> b
combineTop c t bs = fst (combineTop' c t bs)

combineTopMaster :: (NFData b) => -- ,Observable b) => 
                    (a->[b]->b) -> (Tree a) -> [b] -> b
combineTopMaster c t bs = fst (combineTopRnf c t bs)

#if 1
combineTop' :: (NFData b, Show b, Show a) => -- , Observable b) => 
               (a->[b]->b) -> (Tree a) -> [b] -> (b,[b])
combineTop' _ (Leaf a) (b:bs) = (b,bs)
combineTop' combine (Tree a ts) bs = -- observe "combine" $ 
                                       (combine a (reverse res),bs')
 where (bs',res) = foldl' f (bs,[]) ts
       f (olds,news) t = (remaining,b:news) -- olds sin algo, news mas b
         where (b,remaining) = -- observe "b,remaining" $ 
                                combineTop' combine t olds
combineTop' _ t ls = error ("combineTop' _ Parameter t:\n" ++ show t ++ " \nParameter ls:\n" ++ show ls)  

combineTopRnf :: (NFData b) => -- ,Observable b) => 
                 (a->[b]->b) -> (Tree a) -> [b] -> (b,[b])
combineTopRnf _ (Leaf a) (b:bs) = (b,bs)
combineTopRnf combine (Tree a ts) bs 
 = -- let revres = reverse res 
   -- in  (rnf revres `seq` combine a revres, bs')
   (rnf res `seq` combine a res, bs')
 where (bs',res) = foldl f (bs,[]) ts
       f (olds,news) t = (remaining,news++[b]) -- olds sin algo, news mas b
         where (b,remaining) =  -- observe "Top: b,remaining" $ 
                                combineTopRnf combine t olds

combineTop' :: (a->[b]->b) -> (Tree a) -> [b] -> (b,Int)
combineTop' _ (Leaf a) (b:bs) = (b,1)
combineTop' combine (Tree a ts) bs = (combine a res,length bs - length bs')
 where (bs',res) = foldl f (bs,[]) ts
       f (olds,news) t = (drop n olds,news++[b]) -- olds sin algo, news mas b
         where (b,n) = combineTop' combine t olds

-- Mischas MW plus Sortierung
-- mwNest' :: (Trans t, Trans r) =>
--           Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (t -> r) -> [t] -> [r]
-- mwNest' depth level1 np pf f tasks
--    = let nesting = mkNesting np depth level1
--      in mwNested' nesting (mkPFs pf nesting) (map f) tasks
-- Jost, Sortierung
-- -- sort results
--             return (map snd (mergewOutsByTag wOuts))
-- sortByTag :: [(Int,t)] -> [t]
-- sortByTag = map snd . sortBy ( \(i,_) (j,_) -> compare i j)

liftWorker :: (t -> r) -> (Int, t) -> (Int, r)
liftWorker f (k, x) = (k, f x)

mwNest :: (Trans t, Trans r) =>
          Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (t -> r) -> [t] -> [r]
mwNest depth l1 np pf f tasks = let taggedTasks = zip [1,2..] tasks
                                in sortByTag $ mwNest' depth l1 np pf (liftWorker f) taggedTasks

divConRW2 :: (Trans a,Trans b, Show b, Show a, NFData b) => -- , Observable b) => 
            Int -> (a->Bool) -> (a->b) -> (a->[a]) -> (a->[b]->b) -> a -> b
divConRW2 depth trivial solve split combine x 
  = combineTopMaster combine levels results
  where (tasks,levels) = generateTasks depth trivial split x
        results        = workpool (divConSeq trivial solve split combine) tasks
	workpool f tasks =  mwNest 2 4 noPe 20 f tasks