Jacobi sums in parallel. Simple workpool with reduce seq., now in a skeleton \begin{code}
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
module SkelJacobiSum where
module Main where
-- Autor: Kent Kwee
\end{code} Modifications for parallelism by: Oleg Lobachev \begin{code}
import ModArithmetik
import Ringerweiterung 
import System (getArgs)
import Array

import JacobiSum hiding (jacobisumteststep3, jacobisumtest, jacobi)
import qualified JacobiSum as JS

import Data.Maybe
import Parallel.Skel.EdenSkel
import FarmUntil
import Data.List (nub, sort, intersect)
\end{code} \begin{code}
-- import List (elemIndex)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
-- loud s x = trace (s ++ " " ++ show x) x
\end{code} \begin{code}
jacobisumteststep3 :: Int -- ^ skeleton to use
                   -> [(Integer,Integer)] -- ^ (p,q) - Liste mit p^k || (q-1) | t
                 -> Integer             -- ^ n: zu pruefende Zahl
                 -> Integer             -- ^ t: Parameter t aus der Vorberechnung
                 -> [Integer]           -- ^ Liste von Primzahlen mit l_p = 0
                 -> Maybe [Integer]         -- ^ Das Ergebnis des Tests:
                                        --   Nothing: keine Primzahl
                                        --   Plist (Liste von Primzahlen mit l_p = 0)
\end{code} Seq. code: \begin{seq} jacobisumteststep3 [] n t lpliste = trace ("In step 3: returning " ++ show lpliste) Just lpliste jacobisumteststep3 ((p,q):rest) n t lpliste | (erg == Nothing) = trace ("In step 3: tested " ++ show (p,q) ++ " and bailed out") $ Nothing | otherwise = trace ("In step 3: tested " ++ show (p,q) ++ " and looping on") $ jacobisumteststep3 rest n t lpnew where k = nu (q-1) p -- Vielfachheit von p in (q-1) erg = jacobisumteststep4 p k q n lpliste lpnew = getlist erg \end{seq} A nice test call is: jacobisumteststep3 [(2,3),(2,5),(2,7),(3,7),(2,13),(3,13)] 31 12 [2] a script to test the whole thing: for n in `seq 3 100`; do test `./olJacobiPar $n +RTS -qp8 2>/dev/null | egrep -i 'true|false'` = `./olJacobiSeq $n 2>/dev/null | egrep -i 'true|false'` || (echo -n "FAIL: "; echo -n $n; echo -n ", ") ; done; echo "done"; an example, where the parallel version fails: 2083. a new attempt with unify! Unifying the lists of lists \begin{code}
unify :: (Eq a, Ord a, Show a) => [[a]] -> [a]
unify = foldl1 intersect . nub -- nub gives better performance

unifyMaybe :: (Eq a, Ord a, Show a) => [Maybe [a]] -> Maybe [a]
unifyMaybe xss | hasNothing xss = trace "unifyMaybe: bailing out!" $ 
               | otherwise = Just $ unify $ catMaybes xss
    where hasNothing = not . all maybeBool
          maybeBool (Just _) = True
          maybeBool Nothing = False

jacobisumteststep3 0 xs n t lps = JS.jacobisumteststep3 xs n t lps
\end{code} With new skeleton, using workpool \begin{code}
jacobisumteststep3 4 xs n t lps =
    let worker (p, q) = jacobisumteststep4 p k q n lps
            where k = nu (q-1) p  -- Vielfachheit von p in (q-1)
    in mapUntil map_wp unifyMaybe worker xs

-- all other cases
jacobisumteststep3 _ _ _ _ _ = error "Not implemented"
\end{code} Further seq. code. imported \begin{code}
-- | Der Jacobisumtest                   
jacobisumtest :: Int -- ^ Skelett
              -> Integer  -- ^ zu pruefende Zahl n
              -> Integer  -- ^ der Parameter t aus der Vorberechnung
              -> Bool     -- ^ Ist n Primzahl? 
jacobisumtest s n t
       | (n < 2)  = False
       | (n == 2) = True
		| (n == 3) = True
		| (n == 5) = True
		| (n == 7) = True		
       -- rabinmillertest
       -- Pruefe Voraussetzung e(t)^2 > n
       | (et*et <= n) = error "e(t)^2 < n"
       -- Schritt 1 Pruefe ggt
       | (  ( (ggt (t*et) n) > 1) &&  ( (ggt (t*et) n) /= n ) ) = False 
       -- Schritt 3 (Loop on characters)
       -- | otherwise = error (ergstep3)
       | (ergstep3 == Nothing) = False 
       | ( not (jacobisumteststep5 restlpliste n t) ) = False  
		-- | otherwise = error "Test5 passed"
       | otherwise = jacobisumteststep6 n et t 1  
       where et = e t
             paare = -- loud "paare" $ 
                      getpairs t
             -- lplist-init aus Schritt 2
             lplist_init = -- loud "lplist_init" $ 
                            get_lplist_init n t
             ergstep3 = -- loud "ergstep3" $ 
                          jacobisumteststep3 s paare n t lplist_init
             restlpliste = -- loud "restlpliste" $ 
                            getlist ergstep3
             -- noch zu optimieren
\end{code} -- Tester \begin{code}
main = do
 args <- getArgs
 let s = read $ head args
     k = read (args!!1)
     n | length args < 4 =  k
       | read (args!!3) = 2^k-1
       | otherwise = k
     t | length args > 2 && read (args!!2) > 0 = read (args!!2)
       | otherwise = bestimme_t n
 putStrLn $ "Jacobi Sum Test.\nn = " ++ (show n) ++ ", t = " ++ (show t)
 putStrLn $ "Using skeleton: " ++
          case s of 
            0 -> "sequential legacy"
            1 -> "sequential map"
            2 -> "parallel map"
            3 -> "parallel farm"
            4 -> "parallel workpool"
 putStrLn "------------------------"
 print $ jacobisumtest s n t
 putStrLn "done"

jacobi s n = jacobisumtest s n (bestimme_t n)