Vanilla iterUntil. \begin{code}
module FarmUntil where

import Data.Maybe
import Parallel.Eden (noPe, Trans, process)
import Parallel.Skel.EdenSkel (map_farm, map_wp)

import Data.List (intersect, nub)

import Debug.Trace
\end{code} Wenn das Ergebnis nicht gebraucht wird, dann wird alles gekillt, inklusive die Kinder, die es produzieren. \begin{code}
farmUntilBool :: Trans a => (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
farmUntilBool f xs = and $ map_farm f xs
\end{code} \begin{code}
farmUntilMaybe :: (Trans a, Trans b) => (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
farmUntilMaybe f xs = let rs = map_farm f xs -- :: [Maybe b]
                          magic = takeWhile (\x -> case x of 
                                                     (Just a) -> True
                                                     _ -> False
                      in catMaybes $ magic rs
                      -- after magic we have only Justs
\end{code} \begin{code}
farmUntilMaybePass :: (Trans a, Trans b) => (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [Maybe b]
farmUntilMaybePass f xs 
    = let rs = map_farm f xs -- :: [Maybe b]
          magic' = takeWhile (\x -> case x of 
                                      (Just a) -> True
                                      _ -> False
          magic = id
      in magic rs
      -- after magic we have only Justs
\end{code} \begin{code}
mwUntilBool :: Trans a => (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
mwUntilBool f xs = and $ map_wp f xs
\end{code} A more generic farmUntil. \begin{code}
mapUntil :: (Trans a, Trans b, Trans c) =>
            ((a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]) ->    -- ^ map
            ([b] -> c) ->                  -- ^ reduce
            (a -> b) ->                    -- ^ worker function
            [a] -> c
mapUntil amap areduce f xs = areduce $ amap f xs -- meh.
\end{code} Implement farmUntilBool with it: \begin{code}
farmUntilBool' :: Trans a => (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
farmUntilBool' = mapUntil map_farm and
\end{code} Code from JacobiSum: \begin{jcode} unify :: (Eq a, Ord a, Show a) => [[a]] -> [a] unify = foldl1 intersect . nub -- nub gives better performance unifyMaybe :: (Eq a, Ord a, Show a) => [Maybe [a]] -> Maybe [a] unifyMaybe xss | hasNothing xss = trace "unifyMaybe: bailing out!" $ Nothing | otherwise = Just $ unify $ catMaybes xss where hasNothing = not . all maybeBool maybeBool (Just _) = True maybeBool Nothing = False jacobisumteststep3 0 xs n t lps = JS.jacobisumteststep3 xs n t lps jacobisumteststep3 s xs n t lps = trace (unlines ["Tested total input " ++ show xs, "Tested complete lp list " ++ show lps, -- "Result lp lists from all steps: " ++ show ress, "Result lp list after reduce: " ++ show res]) $ res where worker (p, q) = trace ("Testing " ++ show (p, q)) $ jacobisumteststep4 p k q n lps where k = nu (q-1) p -- Vielfachheit von p in (q-1) ress | s==1 = map worker xs | s==2 = map_par worker xs | s==3 = map_farm worker xs | s==4 = map_wp worker xs | otherwise = error "Dunno such skeleton!" res = unifyMaybe ress \end{jcode} The same with our skeleton: \begin{xcode} jacobiWorker xs n t lps = let worker (p, q) = jacobisumteststep4 p k q n lps where k = nu (q-1) p -- Vielfachheit von p in (q-1) in mapUntil map_wp unifyMaybe worker xs \end{xcode}