module odeprob! Brusselator with diffusion 200x200 grid ! This file bruss2h.f90 is part of the EPPEER package by B.A.Schmitt and R.Weiner ! available at\~schmitt\peer ! It contains the Brusselator example from the documentation !------------------------ integer :: nprob = 80000, nparm = 1 character(4) :: odename = "br2h" logical :: exsol = .false. ! solution unknown contains pure subroutine fcn(t,u,fw,par) ! Brusselator implicit none real(8), intent(in) :: t real(8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: u ! exactly like rkstep real(8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: par real(8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fw ! exactly like rkstep integer m, i,j,k,l,m2 real*8 r,alf parameter (m=200, alf=1d-5) r=alf*(m-1)*(m-1) m2=m*m do 100 i=1,m2 j=i+m2 fw(i)=-4d0*u(i) fw(j)=-4d0*u(j) 100 continue do 101 i=1,m2-m+1,m j=i+m2 fw(i)=fw(i)+2d0*u(i+1) fw(j)=fw(j)+2d0*u(j+1) if ( then fw(i)=fw(i)+u(i-m) fw(j)=fw(j)+u(j-m) endif if ( then fw(i)=fw(i)+u(i+m) fw(j)=fw(j)+u(j+m) endif 101 continue do 102 i=1,m j=i+m2 fw(i)=fw(i)+2d0*u(i+m) fw(j)=fw(j)+2d0*u(j+m) if ( then fw(i)=fw(i)+u(i-1) fw(j)=fw(j)+u(j-1) endif if ( then fw(i)=fw(i)+u(i+1) fw(j)=fw(j)+u(j+1) endif 102 continue do 103 i=m,m2,m j=i+m2 fw(i)=fw(i)+2d0*u(i-1) fw(j)=fw(j)+2d0*u(j-1) if ( then fw(i)=fw(i)+u(i-m) fw(j)=fw(j)+u(j-m) endif if ( then fw(i)=fw(i)+u(i+m) fw(j)=fw(j)+u(j+m) endif 103 continue do 104 i=m2-m+1,m2 j=i+m2 fw(i)=fw(i)+2d0*u(i-m) fw(j)=fw(j)+2d0*u(j-m) if ( then fw(i)=fw(i)+u(i-1) fw(j)=fw(j)+u(j-1) endif if ( then fw(i)=fw(i)+u(i+1) fw(j)=fw(j)+u(j+1) endif 104 continue do 105 i=2,m-1 do 105 k=1,m-2 l=i+k*m j=l+m2 fw(l)=fw(l)+u(l-1)+u(l+1)+u(l-m)+u(l+m) fw(j)=fw(j)+u(j-1)+u(j+1)+u(j+m)+u(j-m) 105 continue do 106 i=1,m2 j=i+m2 fw(i)=r*fw(i)+1d0+u(i)*u(i)*u(j)-4d0*u(i) fw(j)=r*fw(j)+3d0*u(i)-u(i)*u(i)*u(j) 106 continue return end subroutine subroutine inivals(t0,te,u,par) implicit none ! Anfangswert Dgl integer n,m, i,j,k,l,m2 real(8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: par real(8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: u real(8) t0,te,alf,dx,x,y parameter (m=200,alf=1d-5) n = 2*m*m ! print "(a,i4)", "Brusselator n=", n m2=m*m t0 = 0D0 te = 1D0 dx = 1d0/(m-1) do 100 i=1,m do 100 k=1,m l=i+(k-1)*m y=(k-1)*dx u(l)=0.5d0+y j=l+m2 x=(i-1)*dx u(j) = 1d0+5d0*x 100 continue return end subroutine !********************************************************************** subroutine solution(t,u,par) implicit none integer n,i real(8) t real(8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: u real(8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: par ! unknown, approximate with exsol=.false. return end subroutine end module odeprob