module IVPEPP ! Version 20121207 ! This file IVPEPP.F90 is from the EPPEER package for the solution ! of ordinary initial value problems by explicit parallel peer two-step ! methods with automatic stepsize control and continuous output written by ! B.A. Schmitt and R. Weiner available at ! Parallelization with 2..8 computing cores is provided by the peer methods ! and OpenMP, no parallelization of the right-hand side fcn of the ODE is required. ! In addition to this module also the file IVPRKP.F90 from the package is required. ! This is only a short documentation, a PDF manual man_epp.pdf comes with the package, ! please look there for detailed information. A minimal calling sequence is ! ! call PPSETCOEFF(mnr,stage,methname) !!-- set start&end times t,tend and initial value y ! call EPPEER(fcn,t,tend,y,cpar) ! irep = PPREPORT(.true.) ! call PPFREECOEFF ! ! where the parameters have the following meaning: ! MNR: in, integer in the range 2..9, chooses order and degree of parallelization, ! the number of stages and the order of the method will be MNR ! STAGE: out, integer returns the chosen number of stages of the method ! METHNAME: out, string with the name of the method ! FCN: pure subroutine coding the right-hand side $f(t,u) of the ODE supplied by ! user, it has to be defined in the form ! pure subroutine fcn(t,u,udot,par) ! real(8), intent(in) :: t ! time of evaluation ! real(8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: u ! actual state of the system ! real(8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: udot ! result f(t,u) ! real(8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: par ! additional parameters of the ODE ! end subroutine fcn ! T: in+out, real; start time of integration, on exit: current time of integration ! TEND: in, real; end time of initital value problem ! Y: in+out, array; initial value y_0 for IVP, on exit: solution at time TEND, ! size(Y)=n defines space dimension of ODE ! CPAR: in, array; additional parameter of the ODE, is passed to calls of FCN through PAR ! IREP: integer, return code, integration successful for irep==0, error messages ! are printed to console by call PPREPORT(.true.) ! ! The minimal calling sequence performs integration with automatic stepsize control ! with tolerances 1D-5 and no continuous output. Changes in operation mode are obtained by: ! * call PPSETJOB(stepcon,contout) ! must be called after PPSETCOEFF, both parameters are input&optional of type logical, ! STEPCON=.false. switches to fixed stepsize integration --> see PPSETACC ! CONTOUT=.true. switches continuous output on --> see PPCONT/SOLOUT ! * call PPSETACC(atol,rtol,hstep) ! must be called after PPSETCOEFF, changes accuracies or initial stepsize ! ATOL: in, real; changes absolute error tolerance ! RTOL: in, real; changes relative error tolerance ! HSTEP: in, real, optional: sets initial stepsize or constant stepsize for case ! stepcon=.false.; HSTEP.le.0 triggers stepsize control ! Additional information during/after operation of EPPEER is obtained by ! * call PPGETSTAS(nsteps,nrej,nfcn) ! to be called after EPPEER gets integration statistics, all parameters are integer&output: ! NSTEPS: number of all time steps, including rejected steps ! NREJ: number of rejected time steps ! NFCN: total number of calls to FCN, including startup ! * call PPCONT(ts,tnew,ycon) ! This module ivpepp saves the stages from the current step and PPCONT evaluates an ! interpolation polynomial having the approximation order MNR=STAGE. Parameters are: ! TS: in, real; time, where solution y(ts) is to be computed, should lie in current ! time interval, TS.le.TNEW ! TNEW, in, real: end point of current time interval (e.g. TEND after exit from EPPEER) ! YCON, out, array: value of solution at TS !----- ! Dense output is computed by setting CONTOUT=.true. and calling EPPEER with an extended ! parameter list ! call EPPEER(fcn,t,tend,y,cpar,solout) ! Here, solout is a user-supplied subroutine which is called by EPPEER after every ! successful step. The declaration must have the form ! subroutine SOLOUT(n,ts,tnew) ! N: in, integer; problem dimension used to allocate local variable(s) YCON(1:N) ! TS: in/out, real; point of solution evaluation (see below) ! TNEW: in, real; end of current time interval, passed to PPCONT ! Usage: EPPEER initializes a variable TSOL=T0 and calls SOLOUT after every succesfull step ! in the form CALL SOLOUT(n,TSOL,T+HS), where T+HS is the end of the current time interval. ! SOLOUT may then call PPCONT(ts,tnew,ycon) repeatedly, save or print YCON, and increment TS ! according to the users needs. SOLOUT exits if TS>TNEW (example in driver IVP_PMAIN.F90). ! Note that only for the FSAL methods (mnr=3,5,7,9) dense output is continuous. !---- ! Parallel execution is obtained with OpenMP, recommended command-lines using the GNU gfortran ! compiler (e.g.) for the example ODE in the file MBOD4H.F90 and main program IVP_PMAIN.F90 are: ! gfortran -c ivprkp.f90 mbod4h.f90 ! gfortran -c -fopenmp ivpepp.f90 ! gfortran -fopenmp ivprkp.o ivpepp.o mbod4h.o ivp_pmain.f90 ! The execubale A (A.exe) can now be started. Note, that only the peer integrator IVPEPP and the ! main program IVP_PMAIN.F90 execute parallel. ! !---------- Begin of IVPEPP module code ------------ use ivprkp ! Runge-Kutta for startup !-- all variables private integer, save, private :: stages ! stage number of peer method integer, save, private :: order, ifcn, isteps, irej, maxsteps, irep real(8), save, private :: atoli, rtoli, phs, hmin, hmax, sigx real(8), save, private :: ptim0 ! start time of current interval, used by ppcont logical, save, private :: pfsal, pcout, stpci ! matrices integer, dimension(20), private :: idx ! memory pointer in PYY, used idx(1:2*stages) real(8), dimension(:), allocatable, save, private :: pc, pe real(8), dimension(:,:), allocatable, save, private :: pb, pa0, pcv, ppv, pyy contains !-- EPPEER performs explicit parallel peer integration from t to tend subroutine eppeer(fcn,t,tend,y,cpar,solout) implicit none interface pure subroutine fcn(t,u,udot,par) real(8), intent(in) :: t real(8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: u real(8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: udot real(8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: par end subroutine fcn subroutine solout(n,ts,tnew) ! uses private idx, pyy through pcont integer, intent(in) :: n real(8) :: ts real(8), intent(in) :: tnew end subroutine solout end interface optional solout ! if solout is omitted => pcout=.false. real(8) :: t,tend real(8), dimension(:) :: y real(8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: cpar integer :: n,stg,ist1,ic,id,new ! local variables integer, dimension(2*stages) :: swap ! stage addresses real(8) tc,t0,tsol, rer,rc, h0,hn, sig,sighs, ats,rts real(8), dimension(stages,stages) :: pa ! coefficient matrix A real(8), dimension(size(y)) :: yf real(8), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ff ! stage derivatives logical :: sscont ! no stepsize control for stepcon=.false., phs>0 if (allocated(pyy)) deallocate(pyy) if (.not.present(solout)) pcout=.false. ! solout must not be called n = size(y) ! problem dimension ! -- prepare fsal, indirect addressing ist1 = 1; if (pfsal) ist1 = 2 new = stages+1-ist1 ! new+1 = first new stage do stg = 1,2*stages ! old stages first, then new ones with overlap for fsal idx(stg) = stg end do allocate(pyy(n,new+stages)) ! memory for stages sscont = (stpci.or.(phs.le.0.D0)) ! switch for stepsize control isteps = 0; irej = 0; irep = 0 hmax = tend-t ! used by inisteps if (phs>hmax) phs = hmax if (stages<2.or..not. allocated(pb)) irep=-1 ! ERROR: ppsetcoeff not called ?! id = 5 ! startup with DOPRI call rksetcoeff(id) ! choose RK method rc=1D-1; if (.not.sscont) rc=1D9 rts = max(rc*rtoli,1D-14) ! higher accuracy for starting proc ats = max(rc*atoli,1D-14) call rksetparam(rts,ats) ! set RK-parameters call fcn(t,y,yf,cpar); ifcn=1 if (phs<=0.D0) & ! guess initial stepsize call inisteps(n,fcn,t,y,yf,phs,cpar) irep = 1 ! only one step rkmeth (adjusts stepsize phs for last stage) pyy(:,idx(stages)) = y; tc = t; hn = phs call rkmeth(n,fcn,tc,t+phs,pyy(:,idx(stages)),hn,irep,cpar); ifcn=ifcn+rkfcn call rksetparam(1D9*rtoli,1D9*atoli) ! no stepsize control again ! stepsize adjusted, tc = end of start interval: h0 = tc-t; t0 = t do stg = 1,stages-1 ! startup procedure pyy(:,idx(stg)) = y if (abs(pc(stg)).ge.1D-12) then tc = t0; hn = h0*pc(stg); id = 1 call rkmeth(n,fcn,tc,t0+h0*pc(stg),pyy(:,idx(stg)),hn,id,cpar) ifcn=ifcn+rkfcn end if end do call rkfreecoeff allocate(ff(n,new+stages)) ! RK finished, memory for derivatives if (ist1>1) ff(:,idx(1)) = yf !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(SHARED) !$OMP DO PRIVATE(stg) SCHEDULE(STATIC) do stg = ist1,stages call fcn(t0+h0*pc(stg),pyy(:,idx(stg)),ff(:,idx(stg)),cpar) end do !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL ifcn=ifcn+stages+1-ist1 ! end of start interval t = t0+h0 ptim0 = t0; tsol=t0 ! for solout if (pcout) call solout(n,tsol,t) ! dense output, may use idx, pyy through ppcont y = pyy(:,idx(stages)) ! solution at T phs = h0 ! continue with stepsize h0 if (irep==-2) irep = 0 ! was OK in rkmeth do while ((t 1.D0).and.sscont) then ! reject step irej = irej+1 if (hn maxsteps) irep=2 ! failure, too many steps if (sscont) phs = hn if (t+phs>tend) phs = tend-t end do ! integration steps deallocate(ff) end subroutine eppeer !-- PPSETJOB sets switches (step control etc), optional call after ppsetcoeff subroutine ppsetjob(stepcon,contout) implicit none logical, intent(in), optional :: stepcon, contout if (present(stepcon)) stpci = stepcon if (present(contout)) pcout = contout end subroutine ppsetjob !-- PPSETPARAM sets integration parameters, optional call after ppsetcoeff subroutine ppsetacc(atol,rtol,hstep) implicit none real(8), intent(in) :: atol, rtol real(8), intent(in), optional :: hstep if (atol>0D0) atoli = atol if (rtol>0D0) rtoli = rtol if (present(hstep)) phs = hstep end subroutine ppsetacc !-- PPREPORT returns status report ! if (ppreport==0) : PPMETH successful function ppreport(prterr) implicit none logical, intent(in), optional :: prterr integer :: ppreport ppreport = irep if (present(prterr).and.prterr) then select case(irep) case (-1) print *, "EPPEER: missing inititalization ppsetparam" case (1) print *, "EPPEER failure: step size too small (maxsteps)" end select end if end function ppreport !-- PPCONT computes solution y(ts)->ycon, uses IDX and PYY, may be called by SOLOUT subroutine ppcont(ts,tnew,ycon) implicit none real(8), intent(in) :: ts,tnew real(8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: ycon integer :: j,k,n real(8) :: xi, sv real(8), dimension(stages):: cd, lag xi =(ts-ptim0)/(tnew-ptim0) do k=1,stages cd(k) = xi-pc(k) end do ! compute Lagrangian polynomials L_k(xi) !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(SHARED) !$OMP DO PRIVATE(k,j) SCHEDULE(STATIC) do k=1,stages lag(k) = 1.D0 do j=1,stages if (j/=k) lag(k) = lag(k)*cd(j)/(cd(j)-cd(k)) end do end do !$OMP END DO n = size(ycon) !$OMP DO PRIVATE(j,k,sv) do j = 1,n sv = 0.D0 do k=1,stages sv = sv+lag(k)*pyy(j,idx(k)) end do ycon(j) = sv end do !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL end subroutine ppcont !-- VANDM solves Vandermonde systems PM_new*V=PM subroutine vandm(n,pc,pm) ! [Björck&Pereyra/1970] implicit none integer :: n, j,k real(8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: pc real(8), dimension(:,:) :: pm do k=1,n-1 do j=n,k+1,-1 pm(:,j) = pm(:,j)-pm(:,j-1)*pc(k) end do end do do k=n-1,1,-1 do j=k+1,n pm(:,j) = pm(:,j)/(pc(j)-pc(j-k)) end do do j=k,n-1 pm(:,j) = pm(:,j)-pm(:,j+1) end do end do end subroutine vandm !-- PPSETCOEFF creates coefficient matrices, sets defaults subroutine ppsetcoeff(mnr,pstage,methname) implicit none integer :: mnr, i,j integer, intent(out) :: pstage character(len=16), intent(out) :: methname real(8) :: s stages = mnr-(mnr/10)*10 ! last digit of MNR pstage = stages allocate(pb(stages,stages),pa0(stages,stages),pcv(stages,stages)) allocate(ppv(stages,stages),pc(stages),pe(stages)) pfsal = .false. select case(mnr) case(3) ! EPP3f4 methname = "EPP3f4" order = 4 ! stages = 3 sigx = 1.8D0 pfsal = .true. pc = (/ 0.D0, 0.75D0, 1.D0 /) pb(1,:)=(/0.D0, 0.D0, 1.D0 /) pb(2,:)=(/-12163/17521920D0,12163/72D2,-60328969/876096D2 /) pb(3,:)=(/-1/144D1,169/1D2,-4963/72D2/) case (4) ! EPP4y3 methname = "EPP4y3" order = 5 ! stages = 4 sigx = 1.6D0 ! 20060411 pc = (/ 1.33880820864483004D0,1.70380840062134099D0,1.86823097147835395D0, 1.D0 /) pb(1,:)=(/ 0.00534248151938605D0,-0.12787556805087963D0,-0.01346305501819259D0,& 1.13599614154968617D0/) pb(2,:)=(/ 0.00291846709251725D0,-0.00273308699096256D0,-0.07182299833148626D0,& 1.07163761822993158D0 /) pb(3,:)=(/ 0.00028874763346411D0,-0.00495214157424223D0,-0.00260939452842348D0,& 1.00727278846920161D0 /) pb(4,:)=(/ 0.D0,0.D0,0.D0,1.D0 /) case(5) ! EPP5f3 methname = "EPP5f3" order = 6 ! stages = 5 sigx = 1.5D0 pfsal = .true. pc = (/ 0.D0, 0.39884436163035D0, 1.69682706703097D0, 2.22894777271564D0, 1D0 /) pb(1,:)=(/ 0.D0, 0.D0, 0.D0, 0.D0, 1.D0 /) pb(2,:)=(/0.241672476438073D0, 0.666924367890126D0,-0.0885084327153958D0,& 0.021731059295136D0, 0.158180529092061D0/) pb(3,:)=(/0.0350785127485454D0,-0.0487307782453271D0, 0.0296222650530156D0,& -0.0810700078774731D0, 1.06510000832124D0/) pb(4,:)=(/-0.0850957114286093D0, 0.0590239723048774D0, 0.0590155919885721D0,& 0.033557017674838D0, 0.933499129460322D0/) pb(5,:)=(/0.200970258904312D0, 0.584979404360599D0,-0.0151944433990113D0,& -0.0406515692479206D0, 0.269896349382021D0/) case (6) ! EPP6j1 methname = "EPP6j1" order = 7 ! stages = 6 sigx = 1.5D0 pc = (/6.1182488158460324D-1,1.0734784354567433D0,1.7733348046756701D0,& 1.9723174701317718D0, 1.4155260278449762D0, 1.D0 /) pb(1,:)=(/-2.0180146181687607D-4, 1.6304614802106130D-2,-1.2851544816318155D-2,& 2.6210658256845634D-3, 3.7912816867901877D-3, 9.9033638396355417D-1/) pb(2,:)=(/5.4402447198783130D-5, 2.4618095745274586D-4, 4.1283950478615055D-3,& 1.0819600004066808D-3, -6.4960842108610951D-3, 1.0009851457579413D0/) pb(3,:)=(/-1.3283089416477777D-4, 2.6585250025434079D-4,-3.9985754350926959D-4,& -1.4512932179574525D-2, 1.0221144035648493D-2, 1.0045586240813458D0/) pb(4,:)=(/1.9579814800354238D-4, -1.4979121212198304D-4, 1.4147303648950299D-4,& -1.8142965943514442D-4, -1.7806845742653309D-2, 1.0178007954297175D0/) pb(5,:)=(/-7.6319822223659301D-6, 1.8177963233112666D-4,-1.7553812394822423D-4,& -4.0614157234655195D-5, 5.3690770730854430D-4, 9.9950509692376555D-1/) pb(6,:)=(/0.D0, 0.D0, 0.D0, 0.D0, 0.D0, 1.D0 /) case (7) ! EPP7f4 methname = "EPP7f4" order = 8 sigx = 1.5D0 pfsal = .true. pc=(/0.D0,-1.0887681117114D0, 0.679619857341234D0, -0.801197239808466D0,& 1.72075750720492D0, 1.45437989720083D0, 1.D0/) pb(1,:)=(/ 0.D0, 0.D0, 0.D0, 0.D0, 0.D0, 0.D0, 1.D0 /) pb(2,:)=(/-0.0658766764985973D0, 0.100370063156494D0, 0.296507780215623D0,& -0.0812832310498541D0,-0.041347305457385D0, 0.0129705580263485D0, 0.77865881160737D0/) pb(3,:)=(/-0.10465106060643D0, 0.268362172668672D0, 0.194763281593793D0,& -0.0959611977243247D0, 0.0113615560477841D0,-0.0927079454884518D0, 0.818833193508957D0/) pb(4,:)=(/-0.0755612754400796D0,-0.0892441539408943D0, 0.153325223233285D0,& 0.00681557654247543D0, 0.00854034318702452D0, 0.0255227436206913D0, 0.970601542797498D0/) pb(5,:)=(/0.0736022934008542D0, 0.155460799331655D0,-0.192113386065735D0,& -0.0136767232186511D0,-0.0798789827494036D0, 0.0368174391741583D0, 1.01978856012712D0/) pb(6,:)=(/-0.0491366058290124D0,-0.098740769585523D0, 0.416720303081099D0,& -0.0290143944255234D0,-0.0455618741851349D0, 0.0126240801815893D0, 0.793109260762506D0/) pb(7,:)=(/-0.166222868645607D0, 0.19236125941836D0, 0.421175782008803D0,& -0.0853717083407181D0, 0.0624408466481007D0,-0.18968929236399D0, 0.765305981275052D0/) case (8) ! EPP8-d methname = "EPP8d" order = 9 sigx=1.4D0 pc = (/0.26041740957753135D0, 0.52923626823623069D0, 1.54653689839871537D0,& 1.77514379674033294D0, 0.090107569010498D0, 0.19995116126552217D0,& 1.32615523512850911D0, 1.D0 /) pb(1,:)=(/ 0.00218540643609441D0, 0.00964151773849017D0, 0.02740905027639759D0,& -0.00757481375423608D0, -0.00627931764830473D0, -0.00651613228833201D0,& -0.00103882981570947D0, 0.98217311905560012D0 /) pb(2,:)=(/ 0.0026911855247508D0, -0.00999004293842317D0, 0.01299877362586784D0,& -0.00362117297559769D0, -0.01393348294082885D0, 0.00206411701387576D0,& -0.00794032918151776D0, 1.01773095187187307D0 /) pb(3,:)=(/ 0.00199608410884834D0, -0.01002762418952864D0, 0.02034106943279384D0,& -0.00932460631409766D0, -0.00937443352246159D0, 0.00649579387949097D0,& -0.02592014846435581D0, 1.02581386506931055D0 /) pb(4,:)=(/ 0.00103036221311367D0, -0.01190896158535306D0, 0.02063699940945861D0,& -0.00672959115904196D0, -0.00583850891833535D0, 0.03351758481419382D0,& -0.03846471330760932D0, 1.0077568285335736D0 /) pb(5,:)=(/ 0.00148756342489522D0, -0.01047547599327585D0, 0.0208838878315454D0,& -0.00663219960933854D0, -0.00563964345840616D0, 0.02716167598460901D0,& -0.00664272798306554D0, 0.97985691980303647D0 /) pb(6,:)=(/ 0.00205269876381091D0, -0.00960860565429818D0, 0.0205427263285296D0,& -0.00625381166734364D0, -0.00577560681234781D0, 0.01293837851580094D0,& 0.00660793064341287D0, 0.97949628988243531D0 /) pb(7,:)=(/ 0.00184988219096286D0, -0.01079724930569055D0, 0.02051636130170474D0,& -0.00632847064898024D0, -0.00550013664675566D0, 0.01390490619566548D0,& -0.01323688831455224D0, 0.99959159522764561D0 /) pb(8,:)=(/ 0.00186731024859287D0, -0.01061165690522434D0, 0.02042910717986102D0,& -0.00630049368165016D0, -0.00568571957918147D0, 0.01348102696866063D0,& -0.01331088571679290D0, 1.00013131148573434D0 /) case (9) ! EPP9f2 methname = "EPP9f2" order = 10 sigx = 1.4D0 pfsal = .true. pc = (/0.D0,-1.45065446034357D0,-1.14222878247125D0, 0.380810721807532D0,& 1.40211112656114D0,-0.681879393558872D0, 1.8663786044472D0,& 1.75672620008449D0,1.D0/) pb(1,:)=(/ 0.D0, 0.D0, 0.D0, 0.D0, 0.D0, 0.D0, 0.D0, 0.D0, 1.D0 /) pb(2,:)=(/-0.533252224247118D0,-0.0975501226629606D0, 0.116672069301833D0,& 0.44697499897106D0, 0.0340845693880289D0, 0.135289891492841D0,& 0.00622389138487414D0, 0.0325928274134378D0, 0.858964098958003D0/) pb(3,:)=(/-0.301652204208198D0, 0.0520009020704396D0,-0.0464702777791137D0,& 0.280682940598104D0, 0.0671718625949898D0, 0.135006432610688D0,& -0.046367639817997D0, 0.0345253672919836D0, 0.825102616639103D0/) pb(4,:)=(/0.297011977623876D0,-0.162918534218843D0, 0.0861949381787168D0,& -0.22497850740489D0,-0.160217066458187D0,-0.116187126867031D0,& -0.0279445699477793D0, 0.0483634067976424D0, 1.26067548229649D0/) pb(5,:)=(/-0.0700215072654026D0,-0.0871778303108089D0, 0.018588359758533D0,& 0.0493308059368063D0, 0.0386560715601355D0, 0.00206062231467469D0,& 0.0203705003455984D0,-0.0164980878257943D0, 1.04469106548626D0/) pb(6,:)=(/-0.377028842757212D0, 0.220063630217656D0,-0.129814104899979D0,& 0.27827383620039D0, 0.186943412912638D0, 0.0936142543473008D0,& 0.04468074060207D0,-0.0421130346891518D0, 0.725380108066289D0/) pb(7,:)=(/-0.210835638176618D0,-0.0796361355345654D0, 0.0735641672208091D0,& 0.241807873963969D0,-0.103620229495115D0,-0.0163192383349393D0,& -0.00975174063171978D0, 0.082602741614847D0, 1.02218819937333D0/) pb(8,:)=(/0.0761288961852642D0,-0.0447817877333645D0,-0.0309993817579791D0,& -0.00589722673837671D0,-0.0760908310760073D0,-0.0992689288448062D0,& -0.00659612005493727D0, 0.0536747338124468D0, 1.13383064620776D0/) pb(9,:)=(/0.0451553425438244D0,-0.162203290825595D0, 0.0723244975922378D0,& -0.0184649776742533D0,-0.0998398851224182D0,-0.0683944910444858D0,& -0.0184731703513451D0, 0.0570903861232346D0, 1.1928055887588D0/) case default ! methname = "error" pstage = -1 end select ! compute other coefficients do i = 1,stages ! row sums of B must be 1 exactly s = 1.D0 do j = 1,stages s = s-pb(i,j) end do ! if (abs(s)>1D-12) print *, "B!!", i, s pb(i,stages) = pb(i,stages)+s end do ! compute matrix PCV =diag(C)*VdM do i = 1,stages pcv(i,1) = pc(i) do j = 2,stages pcv(i,j) = pc(i)*pcv(i,j-1) end do end do ! compute matrix PA0, ppv used as temporary memory ppv = -pb ppv(:,stages) = ppv(:,stages)+1.D0 ! now \ones*e_s^T-B pa0 = matmul(ppv,pcv) do j=2,stages ! scale columns pa0(:,j) = pa0(:,j)/j end do call vandm(stages,pc,pa0) ! now PA0=(\ones*e_s^T-B)*C*V*(V*D)^(-1) ! compute matrix PPV: ppv(1,:) = 1.D0 ! start Pascal matrix do i = 2,stages ppv(i,1) = 0.D0 do j = 1,stages-1 ppv(i,j+1) = ppv(i,j)+ppv(i-1,j) end do end do ! end Pascal matrix do i = 2,stages ! scale rows ppv(i,:) = ppv(i,:)/i end do call vandm(stages,pc,ppv) ! now PPV=D^(-1)*P*V^(-1) pe = ppv(stages,:) ! error estimate with last row of PPV ! set default parameters: stpci = .true. ! step control on pcout = .false.! dense output off maxsteps = 1000000 ! maximal number of time steps phs = -1D0 ! initial stepsize (none => own estimate) hmin = 1.D-10 ! minimal allowed stepsize atoli = 1.D-5; rtoli=atoli ! absolut and relative tolerances end subroutine ppsetcoeff !-- PPGETSTATS returns integration statistics subroutine ppgetstats(nsteps,nrej,nfcn) implicit none integer, intent(out) :: nsteps, nrej, nfcn integer :: i nsteps = isteps nrej = irej nfcn = ifcn end subroutine ppgetstats ! -- PPFREECOEFF releases all memory subroutine ppfreecoeff deallocate(pb,pa0,pcv,ppv,pc,pe) if (allocated(pyy)) deallocate(pyy) end subroutine ppfreecoeff ! -- inisteps computes initial stepsize [dopri/Hairer-Wanner] subroutine inisteps(n,fcn,t,y,fv1,hs,par) implicit none interface subroutine fcn(t,u,udot,par) real(8), intent(in) :: t real(8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: u real(8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: udot real(8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: par end subroutine fcn end interface integer, intent(in) :: n real(8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: y, fv1, par real(8) :: t,hs, h,h1,rc,dnf,dny,der2,der12 real(8), dimension(n) :: y2, f2 integer :: id dnf = 0.D0; dny = 0.D0 do id = 1,n rc = atoli+rtoli*abs(y(id)) dnf = dnf +(fv1(id)/rc)**2 dny = dny +(y(id)/rc)**2 end do if (min(dnf,dny)<1D-10) then h = 1.D-6 else h =1.D-2*sqrt(dny/dnf) end if h = min(h,hmax) y2 = y+h*fv1 ! explicit Euler step call fcn(t+h,y2,f2,par) der2 = 0.D0 do id = 1,n rc = atoli+rtoli*abs(y(id)) der2 = der2 +((f2(id)-fv1(id))/rc)**2 end do der2 = sqrt(der2)/h ! estimate for second derivative der12 = max(der2,sqrt(dnf)) if (der12<=1.D-15) then h1 = max(1.D-6,h*1.D-3) else h1 = (1.D-2/der12)**(1.D0/order) end if hs = min(1D2*h,h1,hmax) end subroutine inisteps end module IVPEPP