subroutine rowmap(n,f,ifcn,t,u,tend,hs,rtol,atol,itol, 1 jacv,ijacv,fdt,ifdt,solout,iout,work, 2 lwork,iwork,liwork,rpar,ipar,idid) c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c c ROWMAP .. A ROW-code with Krylov techniques for large stiff ODEs. c c c ROWMAP solves the inital value problem for stiff systems of c first order ODEs c c du c -- = f(t,u), u=(u(1),..,u(n)), f=(f(1),..f(n)). c dt c c c ROWMAP is based on the ROW-methods of order 4 of the code ROS4 of Hairer c and Wanner (see [4]) and uses Krylov techniques for the solution of linear c systems. By a special multiple Arnoldi process the order of the basic c method is preserved with small Krylov dimensions. Step size control is c done by embedding with a method of order 3. c c Version of January 10, 1997. c c Authors: c H. Podhaisky, R. Weiner, c Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Universitaet Halle c 06099 Halle, Germany c email: c, c c B.A. Schmitt, c Fachbereich Mathematik, Universitaet Marburg c 35032 Marburg, Germany c email: c c c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c References: c c [1] B.A. Schmitt and R. Weiner: c Matrix-free W-methods using a multiple Arnoldi Iteration, c APNUM 18(1995), 307-320 c c [2] R. Weiner, B.A. Schmitt an H. Podhaisky: c ROWMAP - a ROW-code with Krylov techniques for large stiff c ODEs. Report 39, FB Mathematik und Informatik, c Universitaet Halle, 1996 c c [3] R.Weiner and B.A.Schmitt: c Consistency of Krylov-W-Methods in initial value problems, c Tech. Report 14, FB Mathematik und Informatik, c Universitaet Halle, 1995 c c [4] E. Hairer and G. Wanner: c Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II, Springer-Verlag, c Second Edition, 1996 c c c For retrieving the latest version visit the ROWMAP World Wide Web c homepage at URL : c c c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c c INPUT PARAMETERS c ---------------- c c n = Number of equations of the ODE system. c c f = Name (external) of user-supplied subroutine computing the c value f(t,u): c subroutine f(n,t,u,udot,rpar,ipar) c real*8 t,u(n),udot(n),rpar(*) c integer n,ipar(*) c udot(1)= ... c rpar,ipar (user parameters, see below). c c ifcn = Switch: c ifcn = 0: f(t,u) independent of t (autonomous) c ifcn = 1: f(t,u) may depend on t (nonautonomous), default c c t = Initial t-value. Changed on exit. c c u = Initial values for u. Changed on exit. c c tend = Final t-value. c c hs = Initial step size guess. Changed on exit. c If hs=0d0 the code puts hs to a default value depending on c atol, rtol and u. c c rtol, atol = Relative and absolute error tolerances. They c can be both scalars or else both vectors of length n. c ROWMAP uses a weighted root-mean-square norm to measure the c size of error vectors. It is defined by c c wrms=sqrt(sum[(err(i)/scal(i))**2, i=1,n]/n), c c where c scal(i)=atol+rtol*dabs(u(i)) (itol=0) c or c scal(i)=atol(i)+rtol(i)*dabs(u(i)) (itol=1). c c itol = Switch for rtol,atol: c itol=0: both are scalars (default). c itol=1: both are vectors. c c jacv = Name (external) of user-supplied subroutine computing c the jacobian-vector product. c z := Jac(t,u)*v, Jac=df/du: c subroutine jacv(n,t,u,v,z,rpar,ipar) c real*8 t,u(n),v(n),z(n),rpar(*) c integer n,ipar(*) c z(1)=... c rpar,ipar (see below). c This routine is only called if ijacv = 1. c Supply a dummy subroutine in the case ijacv = 0 c c ijacv = Switch for the computation of the jacobian-vector products: c ijacv = 0: The products are approximated by finite differences. c Subroutine jacv is never called (default). c ijacv = 1: The products are computed by the user-supplied c subroutine jacv. c c fdt = Name (external) of user-supplied subroutine computing the c partial derivate of f(t,u) with respect to t. c This routine is only called if idft=1 and ifcn=1. c c subroutine fdt(n,t,u,ft,rpar,ipar) c real*8 t,u(n),ft(n),rpar(*) c integer ipar(*) c ft(1)=... c c rpar,ipar (see below). c c ifdt = Switch for the computation of df/dt: c ifdt = 0: df/dt is computed internally by finite differences, c subroutine fdt is never called (default). c ifdt = 1: df/dt is supplied by subroutine fdt. c c solout = Name (external) of user-supplied subroutine exporting the c numerical solution during integration. If iout=1: c solout it is called after every successful step. Supply c a dummy subroutine if iout = 0. It must have the form: c c subroutine solout(n,told,tnew,uold,unew,fold,fnew,ucon, c 1 intr,rpar,ipar) c integer n,intr,ipar(*) c real*8 told,tnew,uold(n),unew(n),fold(n),fnew(n),ucon(n) c real*8 rpar(*) c ... c end c c "intr" serves to interrupt the integration. If solout sets c intr .lt. 0, then ROWMAP returns to the calling program. c c solout may produce continuous output by calling the internal c subroutine "rowcon" (see below). c c iout = Gives information on the subroutine solout: c iout = 0: subroutine is never called c iout = 1: subroutine is used for output (default) c c work = Array of working space of length "lwork", changed on exit. c Serves as working space for all vectors and matrices. c The array is used for optional input. For zero input, the c default values are set: c c work(1), work(2) - Parameters for step size selection. c The new step size is chosen subject to the restriction c work(1) <= hsnew/hsold <= work(2) c Default values: work(1)=0.25d0, work(2)=2d0 c c work(3) - The safety factor in step size prediction. c Default value: work(3)=0.8d0 c c work(4) - UROUND, the machine precision/rounding unit. c Default value: work(4)=1d-16 c c work(5) - KTOL, tolerance for the iterative solution of c the linear equations. The code keeps the weighted c root-mean-square norm of the residual of the first stage c below KTOL/HS, where HS is the current step size c (see also ATOL/RTOL). c Default value: work(5)=1d-1. c c lwork = Length of array work in calling program. c "lwork" must be at least: 10+n*(mx+11)+mx*(mx+4), c where mx=iwork(3). c c iwork = Integer working space of length "liwork". The array is used c for optional input. For zero input, default values are set: c iwork(1) - This is the maximal number of allowed steps. c Default value is iwork(1)=10000. c c iwork(2) - Switch for the choice of integration method: c (see [4], page 110) c 1 Method of Shampine c 2 Method GRK4T of Kaps-Rentrop c 3 Method of Van Veldhuizen (gamma=1/2) c 4 Method of Van Veldhuizen ("D-stable") c 5 L-stable Method c 6 Method GRK4A of Kaps-Rentrop c Default value is iwork(2)=2. c c iwork(3) - The maximum Krylov dimension allowed (=mx). c Default value is iwork(3)=70. c c iwork(4) - The logical output unit number "lun" for c messages of ROWMAP. Default value is iwork(4)=6. c c c liwork = Length of array iwork in calling program. c "liwork" must be at least mx+20, where mx is iwork(3). c c rpar, ipar = Real and integer parameters (or parameter arrays) c that can be used for communication between your calling c program and the subroutines f, fdt, fjac, solout. c c OUTPUT PARAMETERS c ----------------- c c t = t-Value where the solution is computed (after successful c return is t=tend) c c u = Solution at t. c c hs = Predicted step size from the last accepted step. c c idid = Reports on success upon return: c idid = 1 computation sucessful c idid = 2 computation interrupted by solout c idid = -1 stepsize too small, i.e. hs < 10*uround*dabs(t) c idid = -2 more than iwork(1) steps c idid = -3 input is not consistent c idid = -4 internal Krylov matrix is repeatedly singular c c iwork(5) = Number of computed (accepted and rejected) steps. c iwork(6) = Number of rejected steps. c iwork(7) = Number of function evaluations. c iwork(8) = Number of jacobian-times-vector products. c iwork(9) = Minimum lenght of array work. c iwork(10)= Minimum lenght of array iwork. c c ROWMAP uses the following basic linear algebra modules (BLAS): c Level 1: DAXPY,DCOPY,DNORM2,DROTG,DROT,DDOT,DSCAL c Level 2: DGEMV,DTRSV c c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer n,lwork,liwork,iwork(liwork) integer itol,ijacv,ifdt,iout,ipar(*) ,ifcn,idid integer pmq,pmh,pmak1,pmak2,pmak3,pmak4,pmft,pmuu,pmfu0 integer pmrhs,pml1,pml2,pml3,pml4,pmfm,pmcon,pmscal,pmmax,mx real*8 rpar(*) real*8 t,u(n),tend,hs,rtol(*),atol(*),work(lwork),ktol external fdt,f,solout,jacv c c Globals. c real*8 uround integer cifcn,citol,cijacv,cifdt,ciout,method,lun common /rowmap0/uround,cifcn,citol,cijacv,cifdt,ciout,method,lun c For statistics. integer nfeval,nsteps,nstepsr,nfdt,njacv,nkrydim(4,3) common /rowmap1/nfeval,nsteps,nstepsr,nfdt,njacv,nkrydim c c Parameters for step size control. c integer nstpx real*8 fac1,fac2,fac3 common /rowmap2 /fac1,fac2,fac3,nstpx c c Pointers in array "work". c mx=70 if (iwork(3).gt.19) mx=iwork(3) pmq=10 pmh=pmq+n*mx pmak1=pmh+mx*mx pmak2=pmak1+n pmak3=pmak2+n pmak4=pmak3+n pmft=pmak4+n pmuu=pmft+n pmfu0=pmuu+n pmrhs=pmfu0+n pml1=pmrhs+n pml2=pml1+mx pml3=pml2+mx pml4=pml3+mx pmfm=pml4+mx pmcon=pmfm+n pmscal=pmcon+n pmmax=pmscal+n iwork(9)=pmmax c c Check lwork und liwork. c idid=0 if (lwork .lt. pmmax) then write (lun,9950) lwork, pmmax 9950 format ('Error in ROWMAP: "lwork"= ',i10,' too small. ', 1 'Minimum is',i10,'.') idid=-3 end if iwork(10)=mx+20 if ( then write (lun,9951) liwork,iwork(10) 9951 format ('Error in ROWMAP: "liwork"=',i6,' too small. ', 1 'Minimum is',i6,'.') idid=-3 end if if (idid.eq.-3) return c c Check optional input. c nstpx=10000 if ( nstpx=iwork(1) fac1=work(1) fac2=work(2) fac3=work(3) if ( fac1=0.25d0 if ( fac2=2d0 if ( fac3=0.8d0 c The rounding unit. uround=1d-16 if (work(4) uround=work(4) ktol=1d-1 if (work(5).gt.0) ktol=work(5) c default ROW-method is GRK4T (method=2) method=2 if (1.le.iwork(2) method=iwork(2) cifcn=ifcn citol=itol cijacv=ijacv cifdt=ifdt ciout=iout c logical output unit number for messages lun=6 if (iwork(4).gt.0) lun=iwork(4) c c Call to core integrator. c call rowmapc(n,f,t,u,tend,hs,rtol,atol,jacv,fdt,solout, 1 ktol,work(pmq),work(pmh), 2 work(pmak1),work(pmak2), 3 work(pmak3),work(pmak4), work(pmft), 4 work(pmuu),work(pmfu0), 5 work(pmrhs),work(pml1), 6 work(pml2), 7 work(pml3),work(pml4), 8 work(pmfm),work(pmcon),work(pmscal), 9 iwork(20),mx,rpar,ipar,idid) c c Statistics: c iwork(5) = nsteps iwork(6) = nstepsr iwork(7) = nfeval iwork(8) = njacv return end c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c --- S U B R O U T I N E R O W C O N c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c This subroutine is for dense output. It can be called by the c user-supplied subroutine "solout". A Hermite-interpolation c is used to compute an approximation (order 3) "ucon" to the solution c of the ODE system at time s. The value s should lie in the c interval [told,tnew]. c c Input c ----- c n = Dimension of the ODE system. c s = Point of evaluation. c uold = Numerical solution for the ODE at time told, passed by solout. c fold = Value of the right hand side at time told, passed by solout. c unew = Numerical solution for the ODE at time tnew, passed by solout. c fnew = Value of the right hand side at time tnew, passed by solout. c c Output c ------ c ucon = Approximation at time s. c subroutine rowcon(n,s,told,tnew,uold,unew,fold,fnew,ucon) implicit none integer n real*8 s,told,tnew,uold(n),unew(n),fold(n),fnew(n),ucon(n) real*8 theta,theta2,thetam1,hs,g hs=tnew-told theta=(s-told)/hs theta2=theta**2d0 thetam1=theta-1d0 call dcopy(n,0d0,0,ucon,1) g=theta2*(3d0-2d0*theta) call daxpy(n,1d0-g,uold,1,ucon,1) call daxpy(n,g,unew,1,ucon,1) g=hs*theta*thetam1**2d0 call daxpy(n,g,fold,1,ucon,1) g=hs*theta2*thetam1 call daxpy(n,g,fnew,1,ucon,1) return end c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c --- S U B R O U T I N E R O W M A P C c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c Here is the core integrator. ROWMAPC prepares the linear stage equations c and calls subroutine "STAGE" for solving these. ROWMAPC contains the c step size control. c subroutine rowmapc(n,f,t,u,tend,hs,rtol,atol,jacv,fdt,solout, 1 ktol,q,h,ak1,ak2,ak3,ak4,ft,uu,fu0,rhs,l1,l2, 2 l3,l4,fm,ucon,scal,kl,mx,rpar,ipar,idid) implicit none integer mx,n,kl(mx),asv,mk,ipar(*),idid,i,j,intr,info,nsing real*8 t,u(n),tend,hs,rtol(*),atol(*),fm(n),ts,ktol,ktol1 real*8 q(n,mx),h(mx,mx),ak1(n),ak2(n),ak3(n),ak4(n), 1 ft(n),uu(n), fu0(n),l1(mx),l2(mx),l3(mx),l4(mx), 2 rhs(n) , dnrm2,unorm,ucon(n),scal(n), 3 rpar(*),delt,ehg,err,hnew,told external f, solout,fdt,jacv real*8 a21,a31,a32,c21,c31,c32,c41,c42,c43,b1,b2,b3,b4,e1,e2,e3, 1 e4,gamma,c2,c3,d1,d2,d3,d4,g21,g31,g32,g41,g42,g43 logical reached c c Common blocks. c C Globals. real*8 uround integer ifcn,itol,ijacv,ifdt,iout,method,lun common /rowmap0/uround,ifcn,itol,ijacv,ifdt,iout,method,lun c For statistics. integer nfeval,nsteps,nstepsr,nfdt,njacv,nkrydim(4,3) common /rowmap1/nfeval,nsteps,nstepsr,nfdt,njacv,nkrydim c For step size control. integer nstpx real*8 fac1,fac2,fac3 common /rowmap2 /fac1,fac2,fac3,nstpx c "unorm" is used in subroutine "ROWDQ". common /rownorm/unorm c c Initializations. c call rowcoe(method,a21,a31,a32,c21,c31,c32,c41,c42,c43, 1 b1,b2,b3,b4,e1,e2,e3,e4,gamma, 2 c2,c3,d1,d2,d3,d4,g21,g31,g32,g41,g42,g43) intr=0 nfeval=0 nsteps=0 nstepsr=0 njacv=0 nfdt=0 nsing=0 reached=.false. do 101 i=1,4 nkrydim(i,1)=mx nkrydim(i,2)=0 nkrydim(i,3)=0 101 continue call f(n,t,u,fm,rpar,ipar) nfeval=nfeval+1 idid=1 c c Begin integration, loop for successful steps: c 1 if ( return unorm=dnrm2(n,u,1)/dsqrt(dfloat(n)) if ( then c atol,rtol are scalars do 105 i=1,n scal(i)=1d0/(atol(1)+rtol(1)*dabs(u(i))) 105 continue else c atol,rtol are vectors do 106 i=1,n scal(i)=1d0/(atol(i)+rtol(i)*dabs(u(i))) 106 continue end if if (nsteps.eq.0.and.hs.le.0d0) then c Set initial step size. hs=dnrm2(n,scal,1)/dsqrt(dfloat(n)) hs=(1d0/hs)**0.25*1d-1 end if if ((t+hs*1.005).ge.tend) then hs=tend-t reached=.true. end if c c Compute the derivative f_t in the nonautonomous case. c if ( then nfdt=nfdt+1 if ( then c finite differences: delt=dsqrt(uround*max(1d-5,dabs(t))) call f(n,t+delt,u,ft,rpar,ipar) nfeval=nfeval+1 call daxpy(n,-1d0,fm,1,ft,1) call dscal(n,1d0/delt,ft,1) else c user-supplied subroutine: call fdt(n,t,u,ft,rpar,ipar) end if end if c c Label for rejected steps: c 2 ehg=1.D0/(gamma*hs) ktol1=ktol/hs ts=t asv=1 mk=0 c Reset the target indices. do 102 j=1,mx kl(j)=0 102 continue if ( then write (lun,9990) t idid=-2 write (lun,9992) nstpx return end if nsteps=nsteps+1 c c 1. stage. c call dcopy (n,fm,1,rhs,1) call dscal (n,ehg,rhs,1) if ( call daxpy(n,ehg*hs*d1,ft,1,rhs,1) call stage(q,h,rhs,l1,kl,asv,mk,mx,n,fm,fu0,u,t,1,ktol1, 1 ehg,ak1,scal,f,jacv,fdt,rpar,ipar,info) if ( goto 3 c c 2. stage. c call dcopy(n,u,1,uu,1) call daxpy(n,hs*a21,ak1,1,uu,1) ts=t+c2*hs call f(n,ts,uu,rhs,rpar,ipar) nfeval=nfeval+1 call daxpy(n,c21,ak1,1,rhs,1) call dscal (n,ehg,rhs,1) if ( call daxpy(n,ehg*hs*d2,ft,1,rhs,1) call stage(q,h,rhs,l2,kl,asv,mk,mx,n,fm,fu0,u,t,2,ktol1, 1 ehg,ak2,scal,f,jacv,fdt,rpar,ipar,info) if ( goto 3 call daxpy(n,-c21,ak1,1,ak2,1) c c 3. stage. c call dcopy(n,u,1,uu,1) call daxpy(n,hs*a31,ak1,1,uu,1) call daxpy(n,hs*a32,ak2,1,uu,1) ts=t+c3*hs call f(n,ts,uu,rhs,rpar,ipar) nfeval=nfeval+1 call dcopy(n,rhs,1,ak4,1) call daxpy(n,c31,ak1,1,rhs,1) call daxpy(n,c32,ak2,1,rhs,1) call dscal(n,ehg,rhs,1) if ( call daxpy(n,ehg*hs*d3,ft,1,rhs,1) call stage(q,h,rhs,l3,kl,asv,mk,mx,n,fm,fu0,u,t,3,ktol1, 1 ehg,ak3,scal,f,jacv,fdt,rpar,ipar,info) if ( goto 3 call daxpy(n,-c31,ak1,1,ak3,1) call daxpy(n,-c32,ak2,1,ak3,1) c c 4. stage. c call dcopy(n,ak4,1,rhs,1) call daxpy(n,c41,ak1,1,rhs,1) call daxpy(n,c42,ak2,1,rhs,1) call daxpy(n,c43,ak3,1,rhs,1) call dscal(n,ehg,rhs,1) if ( call daxpy(n,ehg*hs*d4,ft,1,rhs,1) call stage(q,h,rhs,l4,kl,asv,mk,mx,n,fm,fu0,u,t,4,ktol1, 1 ehg,ak4,scal,f,jacv,fdt,rpar,ipar,info) if ( goto 3 nsing=0 call daxpy(n,-c41,ak1,1,ak4,1) call daxpy(n,-c42,ak2,1,ak4,1) call daxpy(n,-c43,ak3,1,ak4,1) c c New solution: uu = u + sum (h* b.i * ak.i,i=1..4). c call dcopy (n,u,1,uu,1) call daxpy (n,hs*b1,ak1,1,uu,1) call daxpy (n,hs*b2,ak2,1,uu,1) call daxpy (n,hs*b3,ak3,1,uu,1) call daxpy (n,hs*b4,ak4,1,uu,1) c c Embedded solution: fu0 = sum (hs* e.i * ak.i, i=1..4). c call dcopy (n,0d0,0,fu0,1) call daxpy (n,hs*e1,ak1,1,fu0,1) call daxpy (n,hs*e2,ak2,1,fu0,1) call daxpy (n,hs*e3,ak3,1,fu0,1) call daxpy (n,hs*e4,ak4,1,fu0,1) c c Error estimate, step size control. c err=0d0 do 550 i=1,n err=err+(fu0(i)*scal(i))**2 550 continue err=dsqrt(err/n) hnew=hs*dmin1(fac2,dmax1(fac1,(1d0/err)**0.25D0 * fac3)) if (1d-1*hnew.le.dabs(t)*uround) then write (lun,9990) t idid=-1 write (lun,9991) return end if if (err .lt. 1d0 ) then c c Step is accepted. c told=t t=t+hs call dcopy(n,fm,1,fu0,1) call f(n,t,uu,fm,rpar,ipar) nfeval=nfeval+1 if ( 1 call solout(n,told,t,u,uu,fu0,fm,ucon,intr,rpar,ipar) call dcopy (n,uu,1,u,1) if ( then idid=2 write (*,9990) t write (*,9993) return end if hs=hnew goto 1 else c c Step is rejected. c nstepsr=nstepsr+1 reached=.false. hs=hnew goto 2 end if c c Matrix is singular. c 3 nsing=nsing+1 write (lun,9995) if ( then write (lun,9990) ts write (lun,9994) idid=-5 return end if nstepsr=nstepsr+1 hs=hs/2d0 goto 2 9990 format ('Exit of ROWMAP at t=',d10.3) 9991 format ('Step size too small.') 9992 format ('More than ',i7,' steps needed.') 9993 format ('Computation interrupted by "solout".') 9994 format ('Matrix is repeatedly singular') 9995 format ('Warning: Matrix is singular.') end c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c --- S U B R O U T I N E S T A G E c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c The subroutine "STAGE" solves the linear equations by using the multiple c Arnoldi process, see [1,2,3]. The first step incorporates the new right c hand side into the Krylov subspace. Then the Krylov subspace is extended c until the residual is small enough or the maximal dimensions are reached. c Finally the solution "ak" is computed as a linear combination of c orthogonalized Krylov vectors. c c subroutine stage(q,h,rhs,l,kl,asv,mk,mx,n,fm,fu0,u,t,st,ktol1, 1 ehg,ak,scal,f,jacv,fdt,rpar,ipar,info) implicit none integer mx,n,mk,i,asv,m,ikrdim,info integer kl(mx),st,krydim(4,4),ipar(*) logical done real*8 q(n,mx),h(mx,mx),rhs(n),l(mx),dnrm2,ktol1,nrmv,nrmrhs real*8 fm(n),fu0(n),u(n),t,ehg,dfkt real*8 ak(n),scal(n),rpar(*) external f,jacv,fdt c c Maximal Krylov dimension increments per stage, see [3] c (autonomous/nonautonomous). For the methods shamp, grk4t, c veldd, velds and lstab (b3.eq.0) c data (krydim(i,1),i=1,4) /-12,3,1,3/ data (krydim(i,2),i=1,4) /-16,5,1,5/ c c ... and for grk4a ( c data (krydim(i,3),i=1,4) /-15,3,4,3/ data (krydim(i,4),i=1,4) /-19,5,4,5/ c Globals. real*8 uround integer ifcn,itol,ijacv,ifdt,iout,method,lun common /rowmap0/uround,ifcn,itol,ijacv,ifdt,iout,method,lun c Statistics. integer nfeval,nsteps,nstepsr,nfdt,njacv,nkrydim(4,3) common /rowmap1/nfeval,nsteps,nstepsr,nfdt,njacv,nkrydim ikrdim=2*(method/6)+ifcn+1 info=0 nrmrhs=dnrm2(n,rhs,1) if (mk.eq.0) then call dcopy(mx,0d0,0,l,1) else call orthov(n,mk,q,rhs,l,mx) end if nrmv=dnrm2(n,rhs,1) if (nrmv/(1d-12+nrmrhs) .ge. then c c Insert the new (orthogonalized) right hand side "rhs" as c new column in Q. c if ( asv=asv+1 c Shift last vectors by 1. do 100 i=asv-1,1,-1 call dcopy(n,q(1,mk+i),1,q(1,mk+i+1),1) 100 continue do 101 i=1,mk if(kl(i) kl(i)=kl(i)+1 101 continue l(mk+1)=nrmv call dcopy(n,rhs,1,q(1,mk+1),1) call dscal(n,1d0/l(mk+1),q(1,mk+1),1) end if m=0 done=.false. c c Begin Multiple Arnoldi process. c 1000 m=m+1 if ( then kl(m)=m+asv end if call kryarn(n,t,u,mk,m,kl,q,h,mx,ehg,l,fm,fu0,f,jacv,rpar,ipar) if (,m)).lt.uround) then c matrix is singular info=-1 return end if if ( then call krdfkt(n,m,kl,q,h,mx,l,fu0,dfkt,st,asv,ehg,scal) else dfkt=1d100 end if if ( done=.true. if ( done=.true. if(,ikrdim)) done=.true. if(,ikrdim)+mx) done=.true. if (.not. done) goto 1000 c c End of multiple Arnoldi process for current stage. c mk=m c Used Krylov dimensions. nkrydim(st,1)=min0(nkrydim(st,1),mk) nkrydim(st,2)=max0(nkrydim(st,2),mk) nkrydim(st,3)=nkrydim(st,3)+mk c Backsubstitution. call dtrsv('u','n','n',m,h,mx,l,1) c Compute ak = Q*l. call dgemv('n',n,mk,1d0,q,n,l,1,0d0,ak,1) return end c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c --- S U B R O U T I N E O R T H O V c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c This subroutine orthogonalizes v with respect to vectors q(.,i),i=1,m, c by a modified Gram-Schmitt-Algorithm. Dotproducts are stored in "l", c i.e. l=Q'v. c c subroutine orthov(n,m,q,v,l,mx) implicit none integer n,m,mx,i real*8 q(n,*), v(n),l(mx),s,ddot do 100 i=1,m s=ddot(n,q(1,i),1,v,1) l(i)=s call daxpy(n,-s,q(1,i),1,v,1) 100 continue call dcopy(mx-m,0d0,0,l(m+1),1) return end c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c --- S U B R O U T I N E R E O R T N c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c The vector q(.,m) is incorporated in the Krylov space, it is scaled to c norm one with h(m,j), where kl(j)=m. The candidates for further subspace c extentions have to be re-orthogonalized to q(.,m). c subroutine reortn(n,m,kl,q,h,mx) implicit none integer n,m,kl(*),mx,j0,j real*8 q(n,*),h(mx,*),s,ddot j0=m do 100 j=m-1,1,-1 100 if (kl(j).ge.m) j0=j do 150 j=j0,m-1 if (kl(j).eq.m.and.h(m,j).gt.1d-14) 1 call dscal(n,1d0/h(m,j),q(1,m),1) 150 continue do 200 j=j0,m-1 if (kl(j).gt.m) then s=ddot(n,q(1,m),1,q(1,kl(j)),1) h(m,j)=s call daxpy(n,-s,q(1,m),1,q(1,kl(j)),1) end if 200 continue return end c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c --- S U B R O U T I N E K R Y A R N c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c This subroutine extends the Krylov subspace by one vector and updates c the QR-decomposition of matrix "h". c subroutine kryarn(n,t,u,mk,m,kl,q,h,mx,ehg,l,fm,fu0,f, 1 jacv,rpar,ipar) implicit none integer n,mk,m,kl(*),mx, i,j,j0 real*8 uround integer ifcn,itol,ijacv,ifdt,iout,method,lun common /rowmap0/uround,ifcn,itol,ijacv,ifdt,iout,method,lun integer nfeval,nsteps,nstepsr,nfdt,njacv,nkrydim(4,3),ipar(*) common /rowmap1/nfeval,nsteps,nstepsr,nfdt,njacv,nkrydim real*8 u(n),t,q(n,*),h(mx,*),ehg,l(*), c,s,fm(n),fu0(n) real*8 rpar(*) external f,jacv if ( call reortn(n,m,kl,q,h,mx) l(m) = -l(m) j0 = m do 50 j=m-1,1,-1 50 if (kl(j).ge.m) j0=j c generate new Givens rotations do 100 j=j0,m-1 if (m .gt. mk) then call drotg(h(j,j),h(m,j),c,s) call drot(m-j-1,h(j,j+1),mx,h(m,j+1),mx,c,s) else c reuse old rotations call ztocs(h(m,j),c,s) endif c apply to right hand side "l" call drot(1,l(j),1,l(m),1,c,s) 100 continue c c Multiple Arnoldi-Step with QR-Decomposition. c if ( return c Krylov-Step: q(.,kl(m)) = (I - QQ') A q(.,m) if ( then call rowdq(n,t,u,q(1,m),fu0,fm,q(1,kl(m)),f,rpar,ipar) nfeval=nfeval+1 else call jacv(n,t,u,q(1,m),q(1,kl(m)),rpar,ipar) end if njacv=njacv+1 call orthov(n,m,q,q(1,kl(m)),h(1,m),mx) h(m,m) = h(m,m)-ehg c update the QR-decomposition of matrix "h" do 210 i=2,m do 200 j=i-1,1,-1 200 if (kl(j).ge.i) j0=j do 210 j=j0,i-1 call ztocs(h(i,j),c,s) call drot(1,h(j,m),1,h(i,m),1,c,s) 210 continue return end c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c --- S U B R O U T I N E K R D F K T c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c This subroutine computes the weighted root-mean-square norm of the residual c c r = (I-gh A) Q l - rhs. c subroutine krdfkt(n,m,kl,q,h,mx,r,fu0,dn,st,asv,egh,scal) implicit none integer n,m,mx,kl(mx),i,j,li,ls,mi,st,asv,j0 real*8 q(n,*),h(mx,*),r(m),fu0(*),dn,s,qn,dnrm2,egh,gh real*8 scal(n),wrmsq dn = 0D0 gh=1d0/egh j0 = m do 10 j=m,1,-1 10 if (kl(j).gt.m) j0=j ls = m-j0+1 do 110 i=0,ls-1 mi = m-i s = r(mi) do 100 j=0,i-1 100 s = s-h(mi,m-j)*fu0(ls-j) s = s/h(mi,mi) fu0(ls-i) = s s = dabs(s) li = kl(mi) if ( then qn = dnrm2(n,q(1,li),1) h(m+1,mi) = qn wrmsq=0d0 do 101 j=1,n wrmsq=wrmsq+(q(j,li)*scal(j))**2 101 continue wrmsq=dsqrt(wrmsq/n) dn = dn + s*wrmsq endif 110 continue dn=dn*gh return end c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c --- S U B R O U T I N E Z T O C S c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c Reconstructs old Givens rotations computed by DROTG. c subroutine ztocs(z,c,s) implicit none real*8 z,c,s if (dabs(z).lt.1d0) then s=z c=dsqrt(1d0-s*s) else if (dabs(z).gt.1d0) then c=1d0/z s=dsqrt(1d0-c*c) else c=0d0 s=1d0 end if return end c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c --- S U B R O U T I N E R O W D Q c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c This subroutine approximates the Jacobian-vector product c by finite differences c c v = (f(u+delta y)-f(u))/delta = A y + O(||u||delta^2) c subroutine rowdq(n,t,u,y,fu0,fm,v,f,rpar,ipar) implicit none integer n,ipar(*) real*8 t,u(n),y(n),fu0(n),fm(n),v(n),delta real*8 rpar(*),eddelta,unorm external f common /rownorm/ unorm delta=1.d-7*dmax1(1d-5,unorm) eddelta=1d0/delta call dcopy(n,u,1,fu0,1) call daxpy(n,delta,y,1,fu0,1) call f(n,t,fu0,v,rpar,ipar) call daxpy(n,-1d0,fm,1,v,1) call dscal(n,eddelta,v,1) return end c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c --- S U B R O U T I N E R O W C O E c-----!----------------------------------------------------------------- c This subroutine loads the coefficients of the chosen method. c subroutine rowcoe(method,a21,a31,a32,c21,c31,c32,c41,c42,c43, 1 b1,b2,b3,b4,e1,e2,e3,e4,gamma, 2 c2,c3,d1,d2,d3,d4,g21,g31,g32,g41,g42,g43) implicit none integer method real*8 a21,a31,a32,c21,c31,c32,c41,c42,c43,b1,b2,b3,b4,e1,e2,e3, 1 e4,gamma,c2,c3,d1,d2,d3,d4,g21,g31,g32,g41,g42,g43 goto (1,2,3,4,5,6),method 10 continue c21=g21/gamma c31=g31/gamma c32=g32/gamma c41=g41/gamma c42=g42/gamma c43=g43/gamma c2=a21 c3=a31+a32 d1=gamma d2=gamma+g21 d3=gamma+g31+g32 d4=gamma+g41+g42+g43 e1=e1-b1 e2=e2-b2 e3=e3-b3 e4=e4-b4 return c -- SHAMP 1 a21= 1.00000000000000 D0 a31=0.48000000000000 D0 a32=0.12000000000000 D0 g21=-2.00000000000000 D0 g31=1.32000000000000 D0 g32=0.60000000000000 D0 g41=-0.05600000000000 D0 g42= -0.22800000000000 D0 g43= -0.10000000000000 D0 b1=0.29629629629630 D0 b2=0.12500000000000 D0 b3=0 D0 b4=0.57870370370370 D0 e1=0 D0 e2= -0.04166666666667 D0 e3= -0.11574074074074 D0 e4= 1.15740740740741 D0 GAMMA= 0.50000000000000D0 goto 10 c -- GRK4T 2 g21=-0.27062966775244 D0 g31=0.31125448329409 D0 g32=0.00852445628482 D0 g41=0.28281683204353 D0 g42=-0.45795948328073 D0 g43=-0.11120833333333 D0 b1=0.21748737165273 D0 b2=0.48622903799012 D0 b3=0.00000000000000 D0 b4=0.29628359035715 D0 a21=0.46200000000000 D0 a31=-0.08156681683272 D0 a32=0.96177515016606 D0 e1=-0.71708850449933 D0 e2=1.77617912176104 D0 e3=-0.05909061726171 D0 e4=0.00000000000000 D0 GAMMA=0.23100000000000D0 goto 10 c -- VELDS 3 g21=-2.00000000000000 D0 g31=-1.00000000000000 D0 g32=-0.25000000000000 D0 g41=-0.37500000000000 D0 g42=-0.37500000000000 D0 g43= 0.50000000000000 D0 b1=0.16666666666667 D0 b2=0.16666666666667 D0 b3=0 D0 b4=0.66666666666667 D0 a21=1.00000000000000 D0 a31=0.37500000000000 D0 a32=0.12500000000000 D0 e1=1.16666666666667 D0 e2=0.50000000000000 D0 e3=-0.66666666666667 D0 e4=0 D0 GAMMA=0.50000000000000 D0 goto 10 c -- VELDD 4 g21=-0.27170214984937 D0 g31=0.20011014796684 D0 g32=0.09194078770500 D0 g41=0.35990464608231 D0 g42=-0.52236799086101 D0 g43=-0.10130100942441 D0 b1=0.20961757675658 D0 b2=0.48433148684810 D0 b3=0.0 D0 b4=0.30605093639532 D0 a21=0.45141622964514 D0 a31=-0.15773202438639 D0 a32=1.03332491898823 D0 e1=-0.74638173030838 D0 e2=1.78642253324799 D0 e3=-0.04004080293962 D0 e4=0.0 D0 GAMMA=0.22570811482257 D0 goto 10 c -- LSTAB 5 g21=-2.34201389131923 D0 g31=-0.02735980356646 D0 g32=0.21380314735851 D0 g41=-0.25909062216449 D0 g42=-0.19059462272997 D0 g43=-0.22803686381559 D0 b1=0.32453574762832 D0 b2=0.04908429214667 D0 b3=0.00000000000000 D0 b4=0.62637996022502 D0 a21=1.14564000000000 D0 a31=0.52092209544722 D0 a32=0.13429476836837 D0 e1=0.61994881642181 D0 e2=0.19268272217757 D0 e3=0.18736846140061 D0 e4=0 D0 GAMMA=0.57282000000000 D0 goto 10 c -- GRK4A 6 a21=0.43800000000000 D0 a31=0.79692045793846 D0 a32=0.07307954206154 D0 g21=-0.76767239548409 D0 g31=-0.85167532374233 D0 g32=0.52296728918805 D0 g41=0.28846310954547 D0 g42=0.08802142733812 D0 g43=-0.33738984062673 D0 b1=0.19929327570063 D0 b2=0.48264523567374 D0 b3=0.06806148862563 D0 b4=0.25000000000000 D0 e1=0.34632583375795 D0 e2=0.28569317571228 D0 e3=0.36798099052978 D0 e4= 0.0 D0 GAMMA=0.39500000000000 D0 goto 10 end