August 27 - 31, 2018 Castle Rauischholzhausen |
Home Accommodation Registration Travel information Programme For all practical questions: please contact the conference secretary, Birgit Straßheim ( |
Organizers: Ilka Agricola, Oliver Goertsches, Pablo Ramacher, Sönke Rollenske (all Marburg)
Maps and useful addresses for download in one file. The purpose of this Workshop is threefold: To learn about recent developments in the respective fields, about their open problems, and to have ample time for discussion of these open problems. Topics to be covered include:
All speakers are kindly invited to prepare talks which are roughly divided in three equal parts: Confirmed speakers include:
There will be 4-5 talks on each day, and parallel "discussion sessions" at the end of each day. All participants are highly invited to participate in these discussion sessions, be it by contributing actively or just by listening. Some talks will be longer joint "tandem" talks by two speakers, hence
allowing to merge open problems in neighbouring areas already in
preparation of the meeting and to put them in a broader perspective.
In order to facilitate discussion, all speakers are asked to prepare a summary poster of their open problems, so that they can be put on poster boards and serve as a trigger for further discussion.
In addition, there will be a poster session open to all participants. These can list open problems as well.
Pictures from previous meetings in Rauischholzhausen: