The local HASSIP page at Marburg
HASSIP is the acronym for "Harmonic Analysis and Statistics for Signal
and Image Processing purposes", the title of a European Union RTN
network .
HASSIP is a Research Training Network funded by the European Commission within the programme Improving the Human Potential. As such, it will develop research and training activities in various areas of mathematical analysis and statistics, related to signal and image processing problems.
HASSIP will also offer job opportunities (Marie Curie doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships) in its sites.
Scientific Objectives
The aim of the HASSIP network is to develop research activities
and systematic interactions in areas of mathematical analysis and statistics
directly connected to signal and image processing. While standard
research is carried out at an international level at all participating institutions
in cooperation with their individual partners the proposal is going for
integration at a higher level. Thus it is one of the declared goals of
HASSIP to shorten the development cycle for new algorithms by bringing
together those who are involved in this process: the mathematicians and physicists
working on the foundations (with view towards applications), the partners
doing applied research (mostly engineering departments), are more experienced
when it comes to implementations. High tech industry worldwide is in need
for know-how and trained people in this area, and has shown very strong interest
in our programme. The main research goal is therefore to improve the link
between the foundations and real word applications, by developing new nonstandard
algorithms, by studying their behaviour on concrete tasks, and to look for
innovative ways to circumvent shortcomings or satisfy additional request
arising from the applications. In doing so we expect to stimulate research
in this area and the interactions in theoretical and applied domain.
From the mathematical point of view, the main areas involved are:
- Harmonic analysis, in particular time-frequency and time-scale analysis.
- Statistics, with a particular emphasis on statistical models for
signals and images.
- Numerical analysis for signal processing applications.
The research activities of the network will be centered around a few selected applications:
- Audio signal modeling and compression.
- Image and video encoding and compression.
- Signal and image restoration and modification.
- Laboratoire d'Analyse, Topologie et Probabilités, and Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique, Marseille
- Numerical Harmonic Analysis Group, University of Vienna (local HASSIP page)
- Electrical Engineering Department, University of Cambridge
- FYMA, Institut de Physique Théorique, Université Catholique de Louvain
- Laboratoire de Traitement du Signal and Biomedical Imaging Group, Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne
- Mathematics Department, University of Bremen (local HASSIP page)
- Mathematics Department, University of Marburg (local HASSIP page)
- Institut für Biomathematik und Biometrie, at Gesellschaft für Strahlenschutz, Munich
- Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion, Haifa
Contributions of the University of Marburg
The Marburg group is primarily concerned with the development of
efficient wavelet and frame algorithms.
- One central research topic is the construction
of wavelets/multiwavelets for general scalings and of general Banach
frames for coorbit spaces.
- Moreover, we are interested in associated approximation schemes such as
nonlinear and adaptive algorithms.
- Our work also covers the development
of efficient adaptive numerical schemes for operator equations.
- Within the HASSIP network, we shall especially continue our
recent work on generalized coorbit spaces on manifolds. The
construction of suitable Banach frames and the development of associated numerical
algorithms will be one of our main research topics.
We intend to collaborate in particular with NuHAG in Vienna, with
ZeTeM in Bremen and with the Marseille team.
We are happy to announce the workshop
"Recent Progress in Wavelet Analysis and Frame Theory"
taking place from 23 to 26 January 2006 in Bremen, Germany. It will be a joint event of HASSIP and the DFG priority program 1114 and will be organized
by the Bremen and Marburg groups.