# Gnuplot file brus.plt from EPPEER package of Schmitt and Weiner. Depending on the used # computer some editing may be necessary (e.g. replacing thread number '8' in file names) set terminal postscript eps monochrome set output "brus2h.eps" set logscale x set logscale y set format xy "%g" set size 0.7, 0.7 set xlabel "time(sec)" set ylabel "ERR" set key 90,0.2 set xrange [0.3:100] set yrange [1E-15:1] plot '8br2hepp3f4' using 3:2 title "epp3f4" with linespoints 1,\ '8br2hepp4y3' using 3:2 title "epp4y3" with linespoints 2,\ '8br2hepp5f3' using 3:2 title "epp5f3" with linespoints 3,\ '8br2hepp6j1' using 3:2 title "epp6j1" with linespoints 4,\ '8br2hepp7f4' using 3:2 title "epp7f4" with linespoints 5,\ '8br2hepp8d' using 3:2 title "epp8d" with linespoints 6,\ '8br2hepp9f2' using 3:2 title "epp9f2" with linespoints 7