October 3-9, 2010
- Thomas Bauer, Marburg
- Cristiano Bocci, Siena
- Susan Cooper, Nebraska (NSF grant)
- Sandra Di Rocco, Stockholm
- Marcin Dumnicki, Krakow
- Lawrence Ein, Chicago
- Laurent Evain, Angers
- Brian Harbourne, Nebraska
- Jun-Muk Hwang, Seoul
- Kelly Jabbusch, Stockholm
- Andreas Leopold Knutsen, Bergen
- Alex Küronya, Freiburg
- Rick Miranda, Fort Collins
- Roberto Munoz, Madrid
- Joaquim Roe, Barcelona
- Hal Schenck, Urbana
- Tomasz Szemberg, Krakow
- Zach Teitler, College Station
- Cristiano Bocci: The effect of points fattening on postulation
- Susan Cooper: Hilbert Functions and Initial Degrees of Fat Points
- Marcin Dumnicki: Non-speciality of linear systems: the effect of rescaling
- Lawrence Ein: Asymtotic syzygies of algebraic varieties
- Laurent Evain: Collisions of fat points and applications
- Brian Harbourne: Open problems related to effectivity of linear systems
- Jun-Muk Hwang: Seshadri numbers along the diagonal and linear syzygies
- Kelly Jabbusch: Seshadri constants for vector bundles on toric varieties
- Andreas Leopold Knutsen: Isolated smooth curves in Calabi-Yau threefolds
- Alex Küronya: Arithmetic properties of volumes of divisors
- Rick Miranda: Dimensions of linear systems on graphs
- Roberto Munoz: Rank two vector bundles on Fano manifolds
- Joaquim Roe: Linear systems of plane curves with singularities A-D-E
- Hal Schenck: Resonance varieties via blowups of P^2 and scrolls
- Tomasz Szemberg: New remarks on Seshadri constants
- Zach Teitler: Combinatorial bounds on Hilbert functions of fat points in the plane
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Report on the Workshop