March 27 - 30, 2017
Marburg University
(Non)-existence of complex structures on S6




Travel information


For all practical questions:
please contact the conference secretary, Birgit Straßheim


Ilka Agricola, Giovanni Bazzoni, Oliver Goertsches, Panagiotis Konstantis, Sönke Rollenske (all Marburg)

The first "Marburger Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mathematik" ("MAM 1") will take place in Marburg from Monday, March 27th to Thursday, March 30th, 2017.

We plan to discuss and summarize various results of the past 30 years about the existence or non-existence of integrable complex structures on the 6-dimensional sphere.

List of themes to be covered [updated 01/24/2017]

Poster for download - if you'd like to receive a printed version, just mail us!

The time schedule and further informations are now available (see "Programme")

The talks are now distributed among participants. For each theme there is a contact person in Marburg indicated in the list of themes above. Of course, anybody interested in the topic is still cordially invited to participate!

Unfortunately, we will not be able to refund any travel or lodging expenses.

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Questions and comments concerning this page should be addressed per e-mail to
Ilka Agricola, 03.02.2017