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This entry is from Winter semester 2016/17 and might be obsolete. No current equivalent could be found.

Ökologie der Lebensräume

Level, degree of commitment Advanced module, compulsory elective module
Forms of teaching and learning,
VL „Ökologie der Lebensräume“ UE „Quantitative Analysen ausgewählter Lebensräume“ UE „Ansprache ausgewählter Lebensräume“,
360 hours (Ökologie der Lebensräume (45 h), Quantitative Analysen ausgewählter Lebensräume (240 h), Ansprache ausgewählter Lebensräume (75 h))
Credit points,
formal requirements
12 CP
Translation missing. German original:
Benoteter Projektbericht (12 LP)
The grading is done with 0 to 15 points according to the examination regulations for the degree program B.Sc. Biologie.
One semester,
each summer semester
Person in charge of the module's outline N.N.


Ecology of Habitats:

The habitats of Central Europe and their ecological characteristics will be presented. Emphasis will be placed on trophic interactions and food webs.

Quantitative analyses of selected habitats:

In this course, habitats will be quantitatively recorded using various ecological field methods and analyzed using a variety of statistical methods In the process, the identification of macroscopically recognizable animals using identification keys will also be practiced and deepened.

Addressing selected habitats:

This course is designed to allow students to address the major habitats presented in lecture, as well as their characteristic animal and plant species in the field.

Qualification Goals

In this module, students will learn the basics of field ecology methods and the basics about as well as how to address important habitats in Central Europe. Students will learn the basics of graphical presentation, analysis and documentation of field ecology data.


Translation is missing. Here is the German original:

Mind. 45 LP aus den Kernmodulen; darüber hinaus wird der erfolgreiche Abschluss des Fachmoduls „Tiere, Interaktionen und Lebensgemeinschaften“ vorausgesetzt.


Module imported from B.Sc. Biologie.

When studying M.Sc. Computer Science, this module can be attended in the study area Minor subject Biology.

advanced module in biology

Recommended Reading

(not specified)

Please note:

This page describes a module according to the latest valid module guide in Winter semester 2016/17. Most rules valid for a module are not covered by the examination regulations and can therefore be updated on a semesterly basis. The following versions are available in the online module guide:

  • Winter 2016/17
  • Summer 2018 (no corresponding element)
  • Winter 2018/19 (no corresponding element)
  • Winter 2019/20 (no corresponding element)
  • Winter 2020/21 (no corresponding element)
  • Summer 2021 (no corresponding element)
  • Winter 2021/22 (no corresponding element)
  • Winter 2022/23 (no corresponding element)
  • Winter 2023/24 (no corresponding element)

The module guide contains all modules, independent of the current event offer. Please compare the current course catalogue in Marvin.

The information in this online module guide was created automatically. Legally binding is only the information in the examination regulations (Prüfungsordnung). If you notice any discrepancies or errors, we would be grateful for any advice.