10.04.2012 | kein Seminar wg. Semesterbeginn |
17.04.2012 | Piotr Hajac (Warschau) Achtung, im SR XV (Raum 04C37 auf Flur Welker/Heckenberger) Stable triviality criterion for associated noncommutative line bundles |
24.04.2012 | Benjamin Schwarz (Paderborn) Nearly holomorphic sections on Kähler manifolds |
01.05.2012 | kein Seminar (Feiertag) |
08.05.2012 | Leandro Vendramin (Buenos Aires/Marburg) Schubert Calculus and Nichols algebras |
15.05.2012 | Marie-Amélie Lawn (Marburg) Immersions of three dimensional CR manifolds in Euclidean spaces |
22.05.2012 | Ilka Agricola (Marburg) Geometric holonomy theorems and their applications |
29.05.2012 | Roger Nakad (MPI Bonn) Isometric immersions into 4-dimensional manifolds and Killing spinors |
05.06.2012 | Karolina Vocke (Marburg) Constructions of anyon models from projective Yetter-Drindfeld modules |
07.06.2012 | vor. Seminar-Wanderung (Fronleichnam) |
12.06.2012 | Gadadhar Misra (Bangalore) Holomorphic homogeneous Hermitian vector bundles |
19.06.2012 | Nicolas Ginoux (Regensburg) Index-theoretical examples of Dirac-harmonic maps |
26.06.2012 | Sylvie Paycha (Potsdam / Clermont-Ferrand) A residue formula for the zeta function of an elliptic operator; applications |
03.07.2012 | kein Seminar wg. Tagung in Rauischholzhausen |
10.07.2012 | Markus Röser (Oxford) Harmonic Maps and Hypersymplectic Geometry |
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