16.04.2013 | Gianni Manno (Jena) Contact geometry of Monge-Ampère equations |
23.04.2013 | Tobias Weich (Marburg) Spectral properties of transfer operators in open dynamical systems |
30.04.2013 | Harald Upmeier (Marburg) Virasoro-Bott-Gruppe und Hilbert-Grassmann-Mannigfaltigkeit |
07.05.2013 | Bernd Hanke (Augsburg) The space of metrics of positive scalar curvature |
14.05.2013 | Marco Freibert (Hamburg) G_2- and G_2^*-geometry on Lie algebras |
21.05.2013 | Markus Upmeier (Göttingen) Differential Cohomology and Gauge Theory |
28.05.2013 | Anke Pohl (Göttingen) Maass cusp forms as eigenfunctions of transfer operators |
04.06.2013 | Friedrich Hehl (Köln / Columbia, Missouri) Cartan's torsion in gravitational gauge theories |
11.06.2013 | Andrew Swann (Aarhus / Dänemark) Homogeneous tensors |
18.06.2013 | Jos Höll (Marburg) SU(3)-, G_2-structures and corresponding spinors |
25.06.2013 | Simon Salamon (King's College / UK) The complex projective plane as a metric space |
02.07.2013 | Pablo Ramacher (Marburg) Residue formulae in equivariant cohomology |
09.07.2013 | Jonathan Pfaff (Bonn) Asymptotics of analytic torsion on locally symmetric spaces |
16.07.2013 | Bernadette Lessel (Göttingen) Optimal Transport as a fundamental structure of physics |
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