
Forschungsseminar "Differentialgeometrie und Analysis"

I. Agricola, O. Goertsches, P. Ramacher

Sommersemester 2019

Die Vorträge finden (sofern nicht anders angegeben) dienstags von 14.15 - 15.45 Uhr im Seminarraum X (A8A01) statt. Tee und Kaffee gibt es ab 13.45 Uhr in der A8 Lounge (08A04).

16.04.2019 Anton Galaev (Hradec Králové, Czech Republic)
Comparison of approaches to characteristic classes of foliations
23.04.2019 Harald Upmeier (Marburg)
Hilbert Modules on Singular Varieties: Generalized Blow-up Process, Curvature and Rigidity
30.04.2019 Giovanni Russo (Aarhus, Dänemark)
Nearly Kähler six-manifolds and multi-moment maps
07.05.2019 Moritz Dahlhaus (Marburg)
Zur Unstetigkeit der Multiplikation der Fundamentalgruppe des Hawaiianischen Ohrrings
14.05.2019 Ana Cristina Castro Ferreira (Minho, Portugal)
Geodesic completeness of pseudo-Riemannian metrics on Lie groups
21.05.2019 Changliang Wang (Bonn)
Linear stability of Einstein metrics
28.05.2019 Margit Rösler (Paderborn)
Riesz distributions and the Wallach set in Dunkl theory
04.06.2019 Satoshi Wakatsuki
Asymptotics for Hecke eigenvalues of automorphic forms on compact arithmetic quotients
11.06.2019 Leonie Mühlherr (Marburg)
Morse-Novikov cohomology illustrated via an LCS manifold
18.06.2019 Reinier Storm (KU Leuven)
Lagrangian submanifolds of twistor spaces from superminimal surface
25.06.2019 Daniele Angella (Florenz, Italien)
Structure and cohomologies of locally conformally symplectic manifolds
02.07.2019 Werner Hoffmann (Bielefeld)
On the structure of the split octonion algebra and its automorphism group
09.07.2019 Maximilian Schmitt (Marburg)
GKM theory and the signature of biquotients
16.07.2019 Daniel Ballesteros-Chavez (Durham, UK)
A C^2 estimate for the prescribed curvature problem in de Sitter space

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Ilka Agricola, last update 21.04.2021.

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