Tea will be served beforehand in the A8 Lounge (08A01 = SR X), and we will try to organize a virtual coffee break afterwards as well if circumstances permit.
If you are
interested in following a talk online, please contact Oliver Goertsches.
18.10.2022 | [no seminar, term start] -- |
25.10.2022 | [no seminar, term start] -- |
Wed 02.11.2022 | Chelsea Walton (Rice University, Houston, Texas) // Gießen Modernizing Modern Algebra: Category Theory is coming, whether we like or not 16.30 Uhr: Tee und Kaffee in der Bibliothek im Runden Zimmer (1. Stock) |
08.11.2022 | Max Jahnke (Marburg) // new room: HS E, chemistry lecture building The cohomology of left-invariant involutive structures |
15.11.2022 | [no seminar] |
Wed 23.11.2022 | Panagiotis Konstantis (Marburg / Gießen) // HS V, 14-16 GKM realization in dimension 6: How weights determine shapes |
29.11.2022 | Lynn Heller (Bejing) // online Integrable surface theory and generalised Whitham flow |
06.12.2022 | [no seminar] |
13.12.2022 | Leon Roschig (Marburg) A Bochner technique for foliations |
20.12.2022 | [no seminar, Christmas preparations...] |
10.01.2023 | -- |
17.01.2023 | Emanuel Böhm (Marburg) Metrics for measuring the "distance" in the space of music pieces (Zwischenbericht über den Stand der Bachelor-Arbeit) |
24.01.2023 | Georges Habib (Greifswald / Beirut) New cohomological invariants for foliations |
31.01.2023 | Chris Wood (University of York, UK) // online Higher-power harmonic maps and sections |
07.02.2023 | Rafailia Tsiavou (Metz) Dirac operators and the Seiberg-Witten equations |
Preliminary schedule for the summer term 2023
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concerning this page should be addressed per e-mail to
Agricola, last update 31.01.2023.
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