June 12 - 18, 2022
Nordfjordeid / Norway
Seminar Sophus Lie @ Nordfjordeid




Travel information

For practical questions please contact Irina Markina

After a long break, the Seminar Sophus Lie will finally resume with a summer session 2022 to be held in in Nordfjordeid, the birthplace of Sophus Lie, at the Sophus Lie Conference Center - and for the first time in Norway. We do not plan a hybrid meeting.

Update June 7, 2022: Here is the final schedule, the lists of contributed talks, contributed posters, and the conference poster for download. The plenary talks may be found further down on this page.


The aim of the workshop is to bring together in a casual and friendly atmosphere mathematicians working on all areas of analysis, geometry, algebra, and mathematical physics that are related to Sophus Lie's work.

    Plenary speakers (pdf file with titles & abstracts):

  • Alexandre Afgoustidis (Nancy, France)
  • Alexei Bolsinov (Loughborough, Great Britain)
  • Ioannis Chrysikos (Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic)
  • Erlend Grong (Bergen, Norway)
  • Ines Kath (Greifswald, Germany)
  • Jorge Lauret (Cordoba, Argentina)
  • Hans Munthe-Kaas (Bergen, Norway)
  • Karl-Hermann Neeb (Erlangen, Germany)
  • Yurii Neretin (Vienna, Austria)
  • Bent Ørsted (Åarhus, Denmark)
  • Eldar Straume (Trondheim, Norway)
  • Michèle Vergne (Paris, France)
There will also be a poster session and at least one excursion.

Links to selected previous math meetings in Nordfjordeid: 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, and again 2019.

Funding is provided by the "Pure Mathematics in Norway" initiative, which is a part of the Mathematics Programme of the Trond Mond Foundation (Trond Mond Stiftelse, TMS) with the collaboration of the Tromsų Research Foundation (Tromsų forskningsstiftelse, TFS). Logistical support is provided by the Sophus Lie Seminar at UiT.

Originally, this session of Seminar Sophus Lie was an official satellite conference of the ICM 2022 in Saint Petersburg. Since the IMU decided to hold the ICM 100 % virtually, we refer to the IMU webpage instead for details on the scientific programme and the underlying IMU statements.

Questions and comments concerning this page should be addressed per e-mail to agricola@mathematik.uni-marburg.de
Ilka Agricola, last update: 02.05.2022
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