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Type Font Examples
Variables (scalars) italics $a, b, x, y$
Functions upright $\mathrm{f}, \mathrm{g}(x), \mathrm{max}(x)$
Vectors bold, elements row-wise $\mathbf{a}, \mathbf{b}= \begin{pmatrix}x\\y\end{pmatrix} = (x, y)^\top,$ $\mathbf{B}=(x, y, z)^\top$
Matrices Typewriter $\mathtt{A}, \mathtt{B}= \begin{bmatrix}a &b\\c &d\end{bmatrix}$
Sets calligraphic $\mathcal{A}, B=\{a, b\}, b \in \mathcal{B}$
Number systems, Coordinate spaces double-struck $\mathbb{N}, \mathbb{Z}, \mathbb{R}^2, \mathbb{R}^3$

Intersection Shader

  • This chapter introduces several intersection shaders for the Vulkan GLSL ray tracing pipeline
  • The ray tracing pipeline provides a built-in intersection shader for triangles. For geometric primitives that are not triangles (such as cubes, cylinders, spheres, parametric surfaces, etc.) you have to provide your custom intersection shader
  • If the intersection shader determines that a ray-primitive intersection has occurred, it can notify the ray traversal with the function reportIntersectionEXT(...)
  • Furthermore, the intersection shader can fill a hitAttributeEXT variable, which can be of user-defined type and can be evaluated in the closest-hit, miss, or any-hit shader

Ray-Sphere Intersection

Ray-Sphere Intersection

  • Parameterization of the ray with:
    $\mathbf{x}(t) = \mathbf{s} + t \,\, \mathbf{r} \quad \forall\, \, t \in [t_{\mathrm{\small min}}, t_{\mathrm{\small max}}]$
    where $\mathbf{s}$ denotes the ray origin and $\mathbf{r}$ the direction
  • Parameterization of the sphere using the implicit sphere equation:
    $\begin{aligned}(x - c_x)^2 + (y - c_y)^2 + (z - c_z)^2 - r^2 &= 0\\ (\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{c})^\top \, (\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{c}) - r^2 &= 0\end{aligned}$
    where $\mathbf{c} = (c_x, c_y, c_z)^\top$ denotes the center and $r$ the radius of the sphere
  • By inserting the ray equation, the intersection points can be found:
    $\begin{aligned} &(\mathbf{s} + t \,\, \mathbf{r} - \mathbf{c})^\top \, (\mathbf{s} + t \,\, \mathbf{r} - \mathbf{c}) - r^2 = 0\\ \Leftrightarrow &(t \,\, \mathbf{r} + \mathbf{b})^\top \, (t \,\, \mathbf{r} + \mathbf{b}) - r^2 = 0 \\ \Leftrightarrow &t^2 + p \,t + q = 0\end{aligned}$
    with $\mathbf{b} = (\mathbf{s} - \mathbf{c})$, $p = 2 \, (\mathbf{r}^\top \, \mathbf{b}) / (\mathbf{r}^\top\,\mathbf{r})$ und $q = ((\mathbf{b}^\top \, \mathbf{b}) - r^2) / (\mathbf{r}^\top\,\mathbf{r})$
    $\Rightarrow t_{1,2} = - \frac{p}{2} \pm \sqrt{\frac{p^2}{4} - q}$

Ray-Sphere Intersection

$t_{\mathrm{\small in}}$
$t_{\mathrm{\small out}}$
  • There can be no, one, or two intersections
    $\begin{align} t_{\mathrm{\small in}} &= - \frac{p}{2} - \sqrt{\frac{p^2}{4} - q}\\ t_{\mathrm{\small out}} &= - \frac{p}{2} + \sqrt{\frac{p^2}{4} - q}\end{align}$
  • The "no intersection" case occurs if
    $\frac{p^2}{4} - q < 0$
    This condition should be checked as early as possible.
  • Otherwise
    • if $t_{\mathrm{\small in}} < t_{\mathrm{\small out}}$ and $t_{\mathrm{\small in}} \in [t_{\mathrm{\small min}}, t_{\mathrm{\small max}}]$, the closet intersection point is:
      $\mathbf{x}(t_{\mathrm{\small in}}) = \mathbf{s} + t_{\mathrm{\small in}} \,\, \mathbf{r}$
    • otherwise if $t_{\mathrm{\small out}} \in [t_{\mathrm{\small min}}, t_{\mathrm{\small max}}]$, the closet intersection point is:
      $\mathbf{x}(t_{\mathrm{\small out}}) = \mathbf{s} + t_{\mathrm{\small out}} \,\, \mathbf{r}$

Ray-Sphere Intersection

  • The surface normal $\mathbf{n}$ at the intersection point $\mathbf{x}(t_{\mathrm{\small hit}})$ is calculated as follows:
    $\mathbf{n} = \frac{\mathbf{x}(t_{\mathrm{\small hit}}) - \mathbf{c}}{r}$
  • To calculate the texture coordinates, the normal can be transformed into the local coordinate system. In this space, the transformed normal $\tilde{\mathbf{n}}=(\tilde{n}_x,\tilde{n}_y,\tilde{n}_z)^\top$ is converted into spherical coordinates with the angles $\phi$ and $\theta$.
    The resulting texture coordinates are:
    $\begin{align} s &= \frac{1}{2\pi} \phi = \frac{1}{2\pi} \operatorname{arctan2}(\tilde{n}_y, \tilde{n}_x)\\ t &= 1.0 - \frac{1}{\pi} \theta \\ &= 1.0 - \frac{1}{\pi} \arccos(\tilde{n}_z) = \frac{1}{\pi} \arccos(-\tilde{n}_z) \end{align}$

Example: Sphere Intersection Shader

Example: Sphere Intersection Shader

struct HitAttributeType {
  vec3 normal; 
  vec2 texCoord;
}; // type of the "hit" variable


void main() { /**** INTERSECTION SHADER ****/

  // ray-sphere intersection in world space
  // get bounding box in object space
  vec3 aabbMin;
  vec3 aabbMax;
  gsnGetIntersectionBox(gl_InstanceID, gl_PrimitiveID, aabbMin, aabbMax);
  // transform to world space
  vec3 minWorld = gl_ObjectToWorldEXT * vec4(aabbMin, 1.0);
  vec3 maxWorld = gl_ObjectToWorldEXT * vec4(aabbMax, 1.0);
  // center and radius of sphere in world space
  vec3 center = (minWorld + maxWorld) / 2.0;
  float radius = length((maxWorld - minWorld) / (sqrt(3.0) * 2.0));

  vec3 b = gl_WorldRayOriginEXT - center;
  vec3 r = normalize(gl_WorldRayDirectionEXT);
  float p = 2.0 * dot(r, b);
  float q = dot(b, b) - radius * radius;
  // discriminant of the quadratic equation
  float d =(p * p / 4.0) - q;
  // if no solution, cancel computation
  if(d < 0.0) return;
  // two solutions for quadratic equation
  float tin = -p / 2.0 - sqrt(d);
  float tout = -p / 2.0 + sqrt(d);
  // intersection at tin or tout?
  float t = tout;
  uint hitKind = 2u;
  if(tin < tout && tin >= gl_RayTminEXT && tin <= gl_RayTmaxEXT) {
    t = tin;
    hitKind = 1u;
  if(t >= gl_RayTminEXT && t <= gl_RayTmaxEXT) {
    vec3 hitPoint = gl_WorldRayOriginEXT + t * gl_WorldRayDirectionEXT;
    vec3 n = normalize(hitPoint - center);
    vec3 localN = normalize(gl_WorldToObjectEXT * vec4(n, 0.0));
    hit.normal = n;
    hit.texCoord.s = fract(atan(localN.y, localN.x) / (2.0 * PI));
    hit.texCoord.t = acos(-localN.z)  / (PI);
    reportIntersectionEXT(t, hitKind);


gl_InstanceID = 0
gl_InstanceID = 1
gl_InstanceID = 2
Triangle Mesh
Intersection Boxes
Intersection Boxes

Object Space vs. World Space for Intersection Computation

  • In the previous implementation, the intersection point was computed in world space
  • Apparently this was necessary because reportIntersectionEXT(...) expects the value for $t$ in world space. In addition, gl_RayTminEXT and gl_RayTmaxEXT are also defined in world space.
  • However, the calculation can also be carried out in object space
  • This is even easier and faster because the transformation into world space is no longer required

Object Space vs. World Space for Intersection Computation

  • Let $\mathtt{T}$ be a 4 x 4 transformation matrix from object to world space and $\underline{\tilde{\mathbf{p}}}$ a point in object space in homogeneous coordinates
    $\underline{\mathbf{p}} = \begin{pmatrix} x \\ y \\ z \\ 1 \end{pmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} m_{11} &m_{12}&m_{13} &t_x \\ m_{21} &m_{22}&m_{23} &t_y \\ m_{31} &m_{32}&m_{33} &t_z \\ 0 &0 &0 &1 \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \tilde{x} \\ \tilde{y} \\ \tilde{z} \\ 1 \end{pmatrix} = \mathtt{T} \, \underline{\tilde{\mathbf{p}}}$
  • The provided matrix gl_ObjectToWorldEXT is a 3 x 4 matrix, i.e. it only contains the upper three rows of $\mathtt{T}$
  • The idea for calculating the intersection point in object space is not to transform the 3D object into world space (as before), but instead to transform the ray into object space
  • To this end, the inverse transformation $\mathtt{T}^{-1}$ is applied to the ray
  • The provided matrix gl_WorldToObjectEXT is a 3 x 4 matrix, i.e. it only contains the upper three rows of $\mathtt{T}^{-1}$

Object Space vs. World Space for Intersection Computation

  • Parameterization of the ray in world space:
    $\mathbf{p} = \mathbf{s} + t \,\, \mathbf{r} \quad \forall\, \, t \in [t_{\mathrm{\small min}}, t_{\mathrm{\small max}}]$
    where $\mathbf{s}$ denotes the ray origin and $\mathbf{r}$ the normalized direction
  • When transforming the ray into the object coordinate system, it should be noted that $\mathbf{r}$ is a direction that must not be translated. Therefore, the last component of the homogeneous coordinates is set to 0.
  • This results in the transformed ray in object space:
    $\begin{align} \underline{\tilde{\mathbf{p}}} = \mathtt{T}^{-1} \underline{\mathbf{p}} = \mathtt{T}^{-1} \left(\begin{pmatrix} \mathbf{s} \\ 1 \end{pmatrix} + t \,\, \begin{pmatrix} \mathbf{r} \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}\right) &= \mathtt{T}^{-1} \begin{pmatrix} \mathbf{s} \\ 1 \end{pmatrix} + t \,\, \mathtt{T}^{-1} \begin{pmatrix} \mathbf{r} \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} \\ &= \begin{pmatrix} \tilde{\mathbf{s}} \\ 1 \end{pmatrix} + t \,\, \begin{pmatrix} \tilde{\mathbf{r}} \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}\end{align}$
  • The vector $\tilde{\mathbf{s}}$ is provided by the variable gl_ObjectRayOriginEXT and $\tilde{\mathbf{r}}$ by gl_ObjectRayDirectionEXT

Object Space vs. World Space for Intersection Computation

  • Parameterization of the ray in world space:
    $\mathbf{p} = \mathbf{s} + t \,\, \mathbf{r} \quad \forall\, \, t \in [t_{\mathrm{\small min}}, t_{\mathrm{\small max}}]$
    with gl_WorldRayOriginEXT $\,\mathbf{s}$ and gl_WorldRayDirectionEXT $\,\mathbf{r}$
  • Parameterization of the ray in object space:
    $\tilde{\mathbf{p}} = \tilde{\mathbf{s}} + t \,\, \tilde{\mathbf{r}} \quad \forall\, \, t \in [t_{\mathrm{\small min}}, t_{\mathrm{\small max}}]$
    with gl_ObjectRayOriginEXT $\,\tilde{\mathbf{s}}$ and gl_ObjectRayDirectionEXT $\,\tilde{\mathbf{r}}$
  • The parameter $t$ is unaffected, i.e. the $t$ that is determined in this way in the object space corresponds exactly to the $t$ in world space
  • Important: For transformations that contain scaling, this approach only works because $\,\tilde{\mathbf{r}}$ is not normalized to length 1 by the ray tracing pipeline. Therefore, do not normalize gl_ObjectRayDirectionEXT in the intersection shader!

Sphere Intersection Shader in Object Space

struct HitAttributeType {
  vec3 normal; 
  vec2 texCoord;
}; // type of the "hit" variable


void main() { /**** INTERSECTION SHADER ****/

  // ray-sphere intersection in object space
  // get bounding box in object space
  vec3 aabbMin;
  vec3 aabbMax;
  gsnGetIntersectionBox(gl_InstanceID, gl_PrimitiveID, aabbMin, aabbMax);
  // center and radius of sphere in object space
  vec3 center = (aabbMin + aabbMax) / 2.0;
  float radius = length(aabbMax.x - aabbMin.x) / 2.0;

  vec3 b = gl_ObjectRayOriginEXT - center;
  vec3 r = gl_ObjectRayDirectionEXT; // not normalized
  float rr = dot(r, r);
  float p = 2.0 * dot(r, b) / rr;
  float q = (dot(b, b) - radius * radius) / rr;
  // discriminant of the quadratic equation
  float d =(p * p / 4.0) - q;
  // if no solution, cancel computation
  if(d < 0.0) return;
  // two solutions for quadratic equation
  float tmin = -p / 2.0 - sqrt(d);
  float tmax = -p / 2.0 + sqrt(d);
  // intersection at tmin or tmax?
  float t = tmax;
  uint hitKind = 2u;
  if(tmin < tmax && tmin >= gl_RayTminEXT && tmin <= gl_RayTmaxEXT) {
    t = tmin;
    hitKind = 1u;
  if(t >= gl_RayTminEXT && t <= gl_RayTmaxEXT) {
    vec3 hitPoint = gl_ObjectRayOriginEXT + t * gl_ObjectRayDirectionEXT;
    vec3 n = normalize(hitPoint - center);
    hit.normal = n;
    hit.texCoord.s = fract(atan(n.y, n.x) / (2.0 * PI));
    hit.texCoord.t = acos(-n.z)  / (PI);
    reportIntersectionEXT(t, hitKind);

Example: Many Spheres


Ray-Box Intersection

Ray-Box Intersection

  • Next, we discuss the intersection of a ray with an Axis-Aligned Bounding Box (AABB)
  • In contrast to an oriented bounding box, an AABB is aligned with the coordinate system, which simplifies the computation of the intersection point
  • The so-called "slab" method is used (Kay and Kajiya: "Ray tracing complex scenes", SIGGRAPH 1986)
  • A "slab" is an interval in one spatial direction that is confined by two parallel planes
  • By analyzing the intervals, it can be determined whether and where an intersection occurs
  • On the next slide, we will perform some initial experiments in 2D. The blue control points can be moved with the mouse.

Ray-Box Intersection: Interactive 2D Example

Ray-Box Intersection

  • Parameterization of the ray:
    $\mathbf{x}(t) = \mathbf{s} + t \,\, \mathbf{r} \quad \forall\, \, t \in [t_{\mathrm{\small min}}, t_{\mathrm{\small max}}]$
    where $\mathbf{s}$ denotes the ray origin and $\mathbf{r}$ the normalized direction
  • The AABB is spanned by two 3D points $\mathbf{a}$ and $\mathbf{b}$
    $\mathbf{a} = (a_x, a_y, a_z)^\top \quad \quad \mathbf{b} = (b_x, b_y, b_z)^\top$
  • Inserting $\mathbf{a}$ and $\mathbf{b}$ into the ray equation results in 6 intersection points of the ray with the 6 planes of the AABB:
    $\begin{pmatrix}a_x\\a_y \\a_z\end{pmatrix}= \begin{pmatrix}s_x\\s_y \\s_z\end{pmatrix} + t \,\, \begin{pmatrix}r_x\\r_y \\r_z\end{pmatrix} \quad \quad \quad \begin{pmatrix}b_x\\b_y \\b_z\end{pmatrix}= \begin{pmatrix}s_x\\s_y \\s_z\end{pmatrix} + t \,\, \begin{pmatrix}r_x\\r_y \\r_z\end{pmatrix} $

Ray-Box Intersection

  • If the equations are solved for $t$, we get the distances along the ray for all 6 intersections with the AABB planes:
    $\begin{aligned} t_{a_x} = (a_x - s_x) / r_x & &t_{b_x} = (b_x - s_x) / r_x \\ t_{a_y} = (a_y - s_y) / r_y &&t_{b_y} = (b_y - s_y) / r_y \\ t_{a_z} = (a_z - s_z) / r_z &&t_{b_z} = (b_z - s_z) / r_z\\ \end{aligned}$
  • For each dimension $x$, $y$, and $z$ there is an intersection interval:
    • x-interval: $t \in [t_{{\small\mbox{min}}_x}, \,t_{{\small\mbox{max}}_x}] = [\min(t_{a_x}, t_{b_x}), \max(t_{a_x}, t_{b_x})]$
    • y-interval: $t \in [t_{{\small\mbox{min}}_y}, \,t_{{\small\mbox{max}}_y}] = [\min(t_{a_y}, t_{b_y}), \max(t_{a_y}, t_{b_y})]$
    • z-interval: $t \in [t_{{\small\mbox{min}}_z}, \,t_{{\small\mbox{max}}_z}] = [\min(t_{a_z}, t_{b_z}), \max(t_{a_z}, t_{b_z})]$
  • There are two potential intersections:
    • the maximum of the minimum values $t_{\mathrm{\small in}} = \max(t_{{\small\mbox{min}}_x}, \,t_{{\small\mbox{min}}_y}, \,t_{{\small\mbox{min}}_z})$
    • the minimum of the maximum values $t_{\mathrm{\small out}} = \min(t_{{\small\mbox{max}}_x}, \,t_{{\small\mbox{max}}_y}, \,t_{{\small\mbox{max}}_z})$

Ray-Box Intersection

  • There can be no, one, or two intersections
    • Two intersections if $t_{\mathrm{\small in}} < t_{\mathrm{\small out}}$:
      Entry at $t_{\mathrm{\small in}}$
      Exit at $t_{\mathrm{\small out}}$
    • One intersection if $t_{\mathrm{\small in}} = t_{\mathrm{\small out}}$
    • No intersection if $t_{\mathrm{\small in}} > t_{\mathrm{\small out}}$
  • Typically the ray interval is limited
    $\mathbf{x}(t) = \mathbf{s} + t \,\, \mathbf{r} \quad \forall\, \, t \in [t_{\mathrm{\small min}}, t_{\mathrm{\small max}}]$.
    In this case, it must also be checked whether $t_{\mathrm{\small in}}$ or $t_{\mathrm{\small out}}$ are within the desired interval $[t_{\mathrm{\small min}}, t_{\mathrm{\small max}}]$

Two intersection points: Example in 2D

$t_{\mathrm{\small in}} \le t_{\mathrm{\small out}} \Rightarrow$ intersection
$t_{{\small\mbox{min}}_x} = t_{\mathrm{\small in}}$
$t_{{\small\mbox{max}}_y} = t_{\mathrm{\small out}}$
x interval
y interval

No intersection: Example in 2D

$t_{\mathrm{\small in}} > t_{\mathrm{\small out}} \Rightarrow$ no intersection
x interval
y interval

Ray-Box Intersection with GLSL

bool slabs(vec3 a, vec3 b, vec3 rayOrigin, vec3 invRayDir) {
  vec3 ta = (a - rayOrigin) * invRayDir;
  vec3 tb = (b - rayOrigin) * invRayDir;
  vec3 tmin = min(ta, tb);
  vec3 tmax = max(ta, tb);
  float tin = max(max(tmin.x, tmin.y), tmin.z);
  float tout = min(min(tmax.x, tmax.y), tmax.z);
  return (tin <= tout);

Example: AABB Intersection Shader

Example: AABB Intersection Shader

struct HitAttributeType {
  vec3 normal; 
  vec2 texCoord;
}; // type of the "hit" variable


void main() { /**** INTERSECTION SHADER ****/

  // ray-box intersection
  // get bounding box in object space
  vec3 a, b;
  gsnGetIntersectionBox(gl_InstanceID, gl_PrimitiveID, a, b);

  // perform intersection in object space using the slab method
  // Kay and Kajiya, SIGGRAPH 1986
  // Majercik et al., JCGT 2018
  vec3 invRayDir = 1.0 / gl_ObjectRayDirectionEXT;
  vec3 ta = (a - gl_ObjectRayOriginEXT) * invRayDir;
  vec3 tb = (b - gl_ObjectRayOriginEXT) * invRayDir;
  vec3 tmin = min(ta, tb);
  vec3 tmax = max(ta, tb);
  float t_in = max(tmin.x, max(tmin.y, tmin.z));
  float t_out = min(tmax.x, min(tmax.y, tmax.z));
  if(t_in <= t_out) { // intersection found
    // decide if first or second hit is selected
    float t = t_in;
    uint hitKind = 1u; // hit outside->inside
    if(t < gl_RayTminEXT) {
      t = t_out;
      hitKind = 2u; //  hit inside->outside
    if(t >= gl_RayTminEXT && t <= gl_RayTmaxEXT) {
      // compute normal and texture coordinates
      vec3 center = (a + b) / 2.0;
      vec3 p = gl_ObjectRayOriginEXT + t * gl_ObjectRayDirectionEXT;
      vec3 n = normalize(p - center);
      vec2 tc = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
      vec3 n_abs = abs(n);
      float max_n_abs = max(n_abs.x, max(n_abs.y, n_abs.z));
      if(n_abs.x == max_n_abs) {
        tc =  (vec2(sign(n.x), 1.0) * p.yz - a.yz) / (b.yz - a.yz);
        n = vec3(sign(n.x), 0.0, 0.0);
      } else if(n_abs.y == max_n_abs) {
        tc = (vec2(-sign(n.y), 1.0) * p.xz - a.xz) / (b.xz - a.xz);
        n = vec3(0.0, sign(n.y), 0.0);
      } else {
        tc = (vec2(sign(n.z), 1.0) * p.xy - a.xy) / (b.xy - a.xy);
        n = vec3(0.0, 0.0, sign(n.z));
      hit.normal = n;
      hit.texCoord = tc;
      reportIntersectionEXT(t, hitKind);

Ray-Triangle Intersection

Ray-Triangle Intersection

  • Parameterization of the ray:
    $\mathbf{x}(t) = \mathbf{s} + t \,\, \mathbf{r} \quad \forall\, \, t \in [t_{\mathrm{\small min}}, t_{\mathrm{\small max}}]$
    where $\mathbf{s}$ denotes the ray origin and $\mathbf{r}$ the normalized direction
  • The triangle is defined by three points $\mathbf{a}$, $\mathbf{b}$, and $\mathbf{c}$
  • Plane equation:
    $\mathbf{x}(u, v) = \mathbf{a} + u \,(\mathbf{b} - \mathbf{a}) + v \,(\mathbf{c} - \mathbf{a})$
  • Equating gives:
    $\mathbf{a} + u \,(\mathbf{b} - \mathbf{a}) + v \,(\mathbf{c} - \mathbf{a}) = \mathbf{s} + t \,\, \mathbf{r}$
  • The equation system in matrix notation
    (3 equations, 3 unknowns):
    $\begin{bmatrix}-\mathbf{r} & \mathbf{b} - \mathbf{a} &\mathbf{c} - \mathbf{a}\end{bmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}t\\u\\v\end{pmatrix} = \mathbf{s} - \mathbf{a}$

Ray-Triangle Intersection

  • By substitution with $(\mathbf{b} - \mathbf{a}) = \mathbf{i}$, $(\mathbf{c} - \mathbf{a}) = \mathbf{j}$, and $(\mathbf{s} - \mathbf{a}) = \mathbf{k}$:
    $\begin{bmatrix}-\mathbf{r} & \mathbf{b} - \mathbf{a} &\mathbf{c} - \mathbf{a}\end{bmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}t\\u\\v\end{pmatrix} = \mathbf{s} - \mathbf{a} \quad\Leftrightarrow \quad \begin{bmatrix}-\mathbf{r} & \mathbf{i} &\mathbf{j}\end{bmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}t\\u\\v\end{pmatrix} = \mathbf{k} $
  • The solution of the linear system of equations is given by (Cramer's rule)
    $\begin{pmatrix}t\\u\\v\end{pmatrix} = \frac{1}{\det(-\mathbf{r}, \mathbf{i}, \mathbf{j})} \begin{bmatrix}\det(\mathbf{k}, \mathbf{i}, \mathbf{j})\\ \det(-\mathbf{r}, \mathbf{k}, \mathbf{j})\\ \det(-\mathbf{r}, \mathbf{i}, \mathbf{k})\\ \end{bmatrix} = \frac{1}{(\mathbf{r} \times \mathbf{j})^\top \mathbf{i}} \begin{bmatrix}(\mathbf{k} \times \mathbf{i})^\top \mathbf{j}\\ (\mathbf{r} \times \mathbf{j})^\top \mathbf{k}\\ (\mathbf{k} \times \mathbf{i})^\top \mathbf{r}\\ \end{bmatrix}$
    with $\det(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y}, \mathbf{z}) = (\mathbf{x} \times \mathbf{y})^\top \mathbf{z} = -(\mathbf{x} \times \mathbf{z})^\top \mathbf{y} = -(\mathbf{z} \times \mathbf{y})^\top \mathbf{x}$
  • The solution requires only 2 cross products and 4 scalar products

Ray-Triangle Intersection

$v = (-1) u + 1$
  • Intersection with the plane is inside the triangle if
    • $u$ and $v$ are in range $[0, 1]$
    • and $u + v < 1$

Barycentric Coordinates

  • The plane equation from before
    $\mathbf{x}(u, v) = \mathbf{a} + u \,(\mathbf{b} - \mathbf{a}) + v \,(\mathbf{c} - \mathbf{a})$
    can also be written as
    $\mathbf{x}(u, v) = (1- u - v) \,\mathbf{a} + u \,\mathbf{b} + v \,\mathbf{c}$
  • Now, an additional variable is introduced $w = (1 - u - v)$ and the plane equation reads:
    $\mathbf{x}(w, u, v) = w \,\mathbf{a} + u \,\mathbf{b} + v \,\mathbf{c}$
    with the constraint $u + v + w = 1$
  • The plane is now over-parameterized (3 instead of 2 parameters) but the constraint ensures that all points $\mathbf{x}(w, u, v)$ are on the plane
  • The parameters $w$, $u$, $v$ are called barycentric coordinates

Barycentric Coordinates

  • The barycentric coordinates $u$, $v$, and $w$ are the coefficients for the linear combination of the triangle's vertices:
    $\mathbf{x}(w, u, v) = w \,\mathbf{a} + u \,\mathbf{b} + v \,\mathbf{c}$
    with the constraint $u + v + w = 1$
  • If $u$, $v$, and $w \ge 0$, the point $\mathbf{x}(w, u, v)$ lies within the triangle
$\mathbf{x}(w=\frac{1}{3}, u=\frac{1}{3}, v=\frac{1}{3})$
$\mathbf{x}(w=0, u=\frac{1}{2}, v=\frac{1}{2})$
$\mathbf{x}(w=0, u=0, v=1)$

Barycentric Coordinates

  • Geometric interpretation: The point $\mathbf{x}$ divides the triangle into three sub-triangles. The ratio of the area of ​​the opposite sub-triangle to the total area corresponds to barycentric coordinate:
    $w = \frac{A_{\mathbf{a}}}{A} \quad \quad\quad \quad u = \frac{A_{\mathbf{b}}}{A}\quad \quad \quad\quad v = \frac{A_{\mathbf{c}}}{A}$

Barycentric Coordinates

  • Barycentric coordinates are often used to interpolate vertex data (such as color, texture coordinate, normal, etc.)
  • The built-in intersection shader for triangles also provides barycentric coordinates
    $u$ und $v$ of the intersection point via the
    "hitAttributeEXT vec2 baryCoord" variable
  • The $w$ coordinate can be computed with:
    $w = (1 - u - v)$
vec3 barys = vec3(1.0f - baryCoord.x - baryCoord.y, baryCoord.x, baryCoord.y);
vec3 interpColor = blue * barys.x + red * barys.y + green * barys.z;

Example: Triangle Intersection Shader

Example: Triangle Intersection Shader

struct HitAttributeType {
  vec3 normal; 
  vec2 texCoord;
  vec2 baryCoord;
}; // type of the "hit" variable


void main() { /**** INTERSECTION SHADER ****/

  // ray-triangle intersection
  // Note: Ray-triangle intersection is a
  // built-in feature of the ray tracing shader pipeline. 
  // It is just provided for educational purpose.
  // get bounding box in object space
  vec3 aabbMin;
  vec3 aabbMax;
  gsnGetIntersectionBox(gl_InstanceID, gl_PrimitiveID, aabbMin, aabbMax);
  vec3 diff = aabbMax - aabbMin;

  // a, b, and c are the three triangle vertices
  vec3 a = aabbMin + vec3(0.0, 0.0, diff.z / 2.0);
  vec3 b = aabbMin + vec3(diff.x, 0.0, diff.z / 2.0);
  vec3 c = aabbMin + vec3(diff.x / 2.0, diff.y, diff.z / 2.0);

  // performing ray-triangle intersection in object space using
  // Tomas Möller and Ben Trumbore:
  // "Fast, Minimum Storage Ray / Triangle Intersection",
  // Journal of Graphics Tools, 2(1):21--28, 1997
  // here we use exactly the notation from the lecture slides
  vec3 i = b - a;
  vec3 j = c - a;
  vec3 k = gl_ObjectRayOriginEXT - a;
  vec3 r = gl_ObjectRayDirectionEXT;
  // implementing ray/triangle intersection according to
  // the lecture slides by computing
  // (t, u, v) = (1 / (r x j) * i) ((k x i) * j, (r x j) *k, (k x i) * r)
  vec3 rxj = cross(r, j);
  float rxji = dot(rxj, i);
  // denominator close to zero?
  if (abs(rxji) < 1e-16) return;
  uint hitKind = 0xFEu; // front facing
  if (rxji < 0.0) {
    hitKind = 0xFFu; // back facing
  float f = 1.0f / rxji;
  // compute u
  float u = dot(rxj, k) * f;
  if (u < 0.0f || u > 1.0f) return;
  // compute v
  vec3 kxi = cross(k, i);
  float v =  dot(kxi, r) * f;
  if (v < 0.0 || v > 1.0) return;
  if(u + v > 1.0) return;
  // compute t
  float t =  dot(kxi, j) * f;

  if (t < gl_RayTminEXT) return;
  if (t > gl_RayTmaxEXT) return;
  vec3 hitPoint = gl_ObjectRayOriginEXT + t * gl_ObjectRayDirectionEXT;
  hit.texCoord = (hitPoint.xy - aabbMin.xy) / diff.xy;
  hit.normal = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  hit.baryCoord = vec2(u, v);
  reportIntersectionEXT(t, hitKind);


Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)

  • Intersection computations for more complex objects can be composed of intersection calculations for simple basic shapes (primitives)
  • The combination is typically performed by the following operations:
    • Union $\mathcal{A}\cup \mathcal{B}=\{x\in \mathcal{A} \lor x\in \mathcal{B}\}$
    • Intersection $\mathcal{A} \cap \mathcal{B} =\{x\in \mathcal{A} \land x\in \mathcal{B}\}$
    • Difference $\mathcal{A}\setminus \mathcal{B}=\{x\in \mathcal{A}\land x\notin \mathcal{B}\}$

Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)

$t_{\mathrm{\small in}}$
$t_{\mathrm{\small out}}$
  • In order to implement the operations in an intersection shader, the intervals for the ray parameter $t$ are considered, in which $t$ is within the object
  • For simple (convex) objects (sphere, cube) this interval can be described by the entry and exit point $[t_{\mathrm{\small in}}, t_{\mathrm{\small out}}]$
    $t_{\mathcal{A}, \mathrm{\small in}}$
    $t_{\mathcal{A}, \mathrm{\small out}}$
    $t_{\mathcal{B}, \mathrm{\small in}}$
    $t_{\mathcal{B}, \mathrm{\small out}}$
  • Now we can think about how the new intervals are computed after the various CSG operations
  • For this purpose, 5 different cases are considered (see next slide)

Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)

1. no intersection
2. intersection only with $\mathcal{A}$
3. intersection only with $\mathcal{B}$
4. intersection with both objects, intervals are not overlapping
5. intersection with both objects, intervals overlap

CSG: Union

bool computeCsgUnion(in vec2 interval0, in vec2 interval1, float tmin,
                     out vec2 combinedInterval, out ivec2 hitIndex) {
  // handle the 5 cases from the lecture/tutorial
  if(interval0.x > interval0.y && interval1.x > interval1.y) {
    // case 1: no intersection
    combinedInterval = vec2(1e8, -1e8);
    return false;
  } else if(interval0.x <= interval0.y && interval1.x > interval1.y) {
     // case 2: only object0
    hitIndex =  ivec2(0, 0); // hit object0
    combinedInterval = interval0;
  } else if(interval0.x > interval0.y && interval1.x <= interval1.y) {
    // case 3: only object1
    hitIndex = ivec2(1, 1); // hit object1
    combinedInterval = interval1;
  } else if(!intervalsOverlap(interval0, interval1)) {
    //case 4: intervals are not overlaping 
    if(interval0.x < interval1.x && interval0.y >= tmin) {
      combinedInterval = interval0;
      hitIndex = ivec2(0, 0); // hit object0
    } else if(interval1.y >= tmin) {
      combinedInterval = interval1;
      hitIndex = ivec2(1, 1); // hit object1
    } else {
      combinedInterval = vec2(1e8, -1e8);
      return false;
  } else {
    //case 5: intervals are overlaping 
    if(interval0.x < interval1.x) {
      hitIndex.x = 0; // hit object0
      combinedInterval.x = interval0.x;
    } else {
      hitIndex.x = 1; // hit object1
      combinedInterval.x = interval1.x;
    if(interval0.y > interval1.y) {
      hitIndex.y = 0; // hit object0
      combinedInterval.y = interval0.y;
    } else {
      hitIndex.y = 1; // hit object1
      combinedInterval.y = interval1.y;     
  return true;

CSG: Intersection

bool computeCsgIntersection(in vec2 interval0, in vec2 interval1, float tmin,
                            out vec2 combinedInterval, out ivec2 hitIndex) {
  // handle the 5 cases from the lecture/tutorial
  if(interval0.x > interval0.y && interval1.x > interval1.y) {
    // case 1: no intersection
    combinedInterval = vec2(1e8, -1e8);
    return false;
  } else if(interval0.x <= interval0.y && interval1.x > interval1.y) {
    // case 2: only object0
    combinedInterval = vec2(1e8, -1e8);
    return false;
  } else if(interval0.x > interval0.y && interval1.x <= interval1.y) {
    // case 3: only object1
    combinedInterval = vec2(1e8, -1e8);
    return false;
  } else if(!intervalsOverlap(interval0, interval1)) {
    //case 4: intervals are not overlaping 
    combinedInterval = vec2(1e8, -1e8);
    return false;
  } else {
    //case 5: intervals are overlaping 
    if(interval0.x >= interval1.x) {
      hitIndex.x = 0; // hit object0
      combinedInterval.x = interval0.x;
    } else {
      hitIndex.x = 1; // hit object1
      combinedInterval.x = interval1.x;
    if(interval0.y <= interval1.y) {
      hitIndex.y = 0; // hit object0
      combinedInterval.y = interval0.y;
    } else {
      hitIndex.y = 1; // hit object1
      combinedInterval.y = interval1.y;     
  return true;

CSG: Difference

bool computeCsgDifference(in vec2 interval0, in vec2 interval1, float tmin,
                          out vec2 combinedInterval, out ivec2 hitIndex) {
  // handle the 5 cases from the lecture/tutorial
  if(interval0.x > interval0.y && interval1.x > interval1.y) {
    // case 1: no intersection
    combinedInterval = vec2(1e8, -1e8);
    return false;
  } else if(interval0.x <= interval0.y && interval1.x > interval1.y) {
     // case 2: only object0
    hitIndex =  ivec2(0, 0); // hit object0
    combinedInterval = interval0;
  } else if(interval0.x > interval0.y && interval1.x <= interval1.y) {
    // case 3: only object1
    combinedInterval = vec2(1e8, -1e8);
    return false;
  } else if(!intervalsOverlap(interval0, interval1)) {
    //case 4: intervals are not overlaping 
    combinedInterval = interval0;
    hitIndex = ivec2(0, 0); // hit object0
  } else {
    //case 5: intervals are overlaping 
    if(interval0.x < interval1.x && interval1.x >= tmin) {
      hitIndex = ivec2(0, 1); // first hit object0, second hit object1
      combinedInterval.x = interval0.x;
      combinedInterval.y = interval1.x;
    } else if(interval1.y < interval0.y && interval0.y >= tmin) {
      hitIndex = ivec2(1, 0); // first hit object2, second hit object0
      combinedInterval.x = interval1.y;
      combinedInterval.y = interval0.y;
    } else {
      combinedInterval = vec2(1e8, -1e8);
      return false;
  return true;

Example: CSG


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