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This entry is from Winter semester 2016/17 and might be obsolete. No current equivalent could be found.


Level, degree of commitment Advanced module, compulsory elective module
Forms of teaching and learning,
VL „Makroökologie“ SE „Makroökologie“ UE „Makroökologische Methoden“,
360 hours (Makroökologie (60 h), Makroökologie (60 h), Makroökologische Methoden (240 h))
Credit points,
formal requirements
12 CP
Translation missing. German original:
Im Seminar wird eine Hausarbeit/ein Referat bewertet (2 LP) In der Übung werden 4 Übungs-/Haus-Arbeiten bewertet (10 LP).
The grading is done with 0 to 15 points according to the examination regulations for the degree program B.Sc. Biologie.
One semester,
each winter semester
Person in charge of the module's outline N.N.


Macroecology (VL):

Ecological processes operate at different temporal and spatial scales. It is apparent that processes acting on large scales are significant for many ecological systems.

Continental drift and climate change have had fundamental effects on the composition of floras and faunas. The lecture therefore covers patterns and processes that influence the distribution, size, and shape of ranges or the spatial arrangement of ecosystems. Knowledge of these processes is an important prerequisite for the sustainable management of ecological systems.

Macroecology (SE):

Through presentations on recent publications, participants will gain insight into the issues, methods, and thinking of macroecology.

Macroecological Methods:

Intensive computer exercises will be used to learn modern methods for phylogeography, analysis of spatial distributions of individuals, methods for determining population density (e.g., trapping-recapture), analysis of long-term ecological phenomena (e.g., time series analysis), and analysis of ranges. Methods for estimating parameters will also be presented.

Qualification Goals

Students will learn the most important fundamentals of large-scale ecological relationships. They will gain an overview of methods of macroecology, their practical application and the significance of the data obtained. Students will learn how to analyze ecological data using mathematical, especially statistical, methods and how to present quantitative relationships graphically. The goal is to acquire skills for implementing theoretical ecological relationships in conservation.


Translation is missing. Here is the German original:

Mind. 45 LP aus den Kernmodulen; Darüber hinaus wird der erfolgreiche Abschluss des Fachmoduls „Tiere, Interaktionen und Lebensgemeinschaften“ vorausgesetzt.


Module imported from B.Sc. Biologie.

When studying M.Sc. Computer Science, this module can be attended in the study area Minor subject Biology.

advanced module in biology

Recommended Reading

(not specified)

Please note:

This page describes a module according to the latest valid module guide in Winter semester 2016/17. Most rules valid for a module are not covered by the examination regulations and can therefore be updated on a semesterly basis. The following versions are available in the online module guide:

  • Winter 2016/17
  • Summer 2018 (no corresponding element)
  • Winter 2018/19 (no corresponding element)
  • Winter 2019/20 (no corresponding element)
  • Winter 2020/21 (no corresponding element)
  • Summer 2021 (no corresponding element)
  • Winter 2021/22 (no corresponding element)
  • Winter 2022/23 (no corresponding element)
  • Winter 2023/24 (no corresponding element)

The module guide contains all modules, independent of the current event offer. Please compare the current course catalogue in Marvin.

The information in this online module guide was created automatically. Legally binding is only the information in the examination regulations (Prüfungsordnung). If you notice any discrepancies or errors, we would be grateful for any advice.