
FB12, Philipps-Universität Maburg,
Hans-Meerwein-Str. 6,
35032 Marburg

Office: 08A04

A gentle and coordinate free introduction to the Ricci flow

The purpose of this seminar is to give an introduction to the Ricci Flow aiming to prove Hamilton's remarkable result: Let M be a closed 3-manifold equipped with a Riemannian metric of positive Ricci curvature. Then there exists a metric of constant positive sectional curvature on M.


The seminar will be held on Thursdays from 12:00 to 14:00.

  1. A first look at the Ricci Flow and its properties
    (27.04.2023 - Panagiotis Konstantis)
  2. Evolution of geometric quantities
    (11.05.2023 - Henrik Naujoks)
  3. Maximum principle
    (25.05.2023 - Oliver Goertsches)
  4. Parabolic PDEs and existence theory for the Ricci flow
    (01.06.2023 - Max Jahnke)
  5. The DeTurck trick
    (15.06.2023 - Nikolas Wardenski)
  6. Compactness of the Ricci flow and blow ups
    (22.06.2023 - Benjamin Becker)
  7. The W-Functional and the no local volume collaps theorem
    (29.06.2023 - n/a)
  8. The Uhlenbeck trick and a ODE-PDE theorem
    (06.07.2023 - Nicolina Istrati)
  9. Hamilton's theorem
    (13.07.2023 - n/a)
A more detailed description of the talks can be found here