March 8 - 11, 2016
Castle Rauischholzhausen
Lie Theory and Geometry




Travel information



Tuesday, March 11th
12:30 lunch
14:00-14:50: Gerhard Röhrle
Cocharacter closure and spherical buildings
      coffee break
15:30-16:10: Thimothée Marquis
Positive energy representations of Hilbert loop algebras
16:20-16:50: Marina Statha
Invariant Einstein metrics on Stiefel manifolds
17:00-17:30: Sam Noshari
Equivariant formality of isotropy actions on homogeneous spaces
19:00 dinner
Wednesday, March12th Thursday, March 10th Friday, March 11th
09:00-09:50: Alex Küronya 09:00-9:50: Stefan Müller-Stach 09:00-09:50: Anton Alekseev
Szyzgies on abelian surfaces, construction of singular divisors, and Newton-Okounkov bodies Arakelov Inequalities The Horn problem and planar networks
    coffee break     coffee break     coffee break
10:30-11:10: Yurii Nikonorov 10:30-11:10: Yusuke Sakane 10:30-11:00: Joshua Groeger
The evolution of positively curved invariant metrics on Wallach spaces under the Ricci flow Einstein metrics on compact simple Lie groups Holonomy in Supergeometry: Theory and Applications
11:20-12:00: Francisco Palomo Ruiz 11:20-12:00: Andreas Kollross 11:10-11:40: Florin Belgun
Lightlike manifolds and conformal Geometry Hyperpolar actions on reducible symmetric spaces From Hill's equation to conformal geometry
lunch break lunch break lunch break
14:00-14:50: Ines Kath 14:00-14:50: Idrisse Khemar 13:30-14:20: Ehud Meir
Compact quotients of Cahen-Wallach spaces Integrable system in homogeneous geometry, Sigma model, Twistor space Hopf algebra invariants, symmetric monoidal categories and geometric invariant theory
15:00-15:30: Giovanni Bazzoni 15:00-15:30: Hassan Jolany     coffee break
Locally conformal symplectic structure on Lie groups Logarithmic Weil-Petersson metrics on the moduli space of Log Calabi Yau manifolds
    coffee break     coffee break
16:00-16:30: Andreas Krug 16:00-16:30: Aprameyan Parthasarathy 14:50-15:30: Dmitri Alekseevsky
Hilbert schemes, symmetric quotient stacks, and categorical Heisenberg actions Restriction of discrete series representations to minimal parabolic subgroups Classification of cohomogeneity one Kähler-Einstein G-manifolds with one singular orbit
16:40-17:10: Markus Röser 16:40-17:10: Ioannis Chrysikos 15:40-16:10: Lars Schäfer
Hyperkähler implosion and Nahm's equation Spin structures on flag manifolds and C-spaces On nearly pseudo-Kähler manifolds
17:20-17:50: Simon Lentner 17:20-17:50: Henrik Winther 16:45: bus leaves at top parking
Restriction for arrangements, Weyl groupoids and Nichols algebras Strictly nearly pseudo-Kähler manifolds with large symmetry groups
19:00 dinner 19:00 dinner 18:00 dinner (for those staying until Saturday)

Poster of Cristina Draper - Three-Sasakian manifolds and the conformal group (15 MB)

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Ilka Agricola, 27.02.2016