JEPC-to-Odysseus Bridge

The JEPC-to-Odysseus bridge allows the connectivity from JEPC to the academian EP system Odysseus. To use this JEPC bridge, an instance of Odysseus server has to be running and a corresponding webservice client has to be added to the Java classpath. New EP providers based on Odysseus can be created by specifying a valid user and the beginning of a range of free ports:

EPProvider engine = new OdysseusEngine(String username, String password, String serverAddress, int serverPort, String clientAddress, int startingPort);


Argument Description
username A valid username that is allowed to connect to the running server of Odysseus.
password The password of the user that is specified in username.
serverAddress The name or IP address of the host on which Odysseus server is running.
serverPort The port on which Odysseus server is running.
clientAddress The name or IP address of the host on which this JEPC instance is running.
startingPort The first port of a range of ports that are open, free and not blocked by any firewall. The JEPC-to-Odysseus bridge is using ports beginning from startingPort to establish new connections between JEPC and the Odysseus server.

If Odysseus server and JEPC are running on the same machine and Odysseus server listens on its standard port 9669, then a simpler constructor can be used:

EPProvider engine = new OdysseusEngine(String username, String password, int startingPort);


Argument Description
username A valid username that is allowed to connect to the running server of Odysseus.
password The password of the user that is specified in username.
startingPort The first port of a range of ports that are open, free and not blocked by any firewall. The JEPC-to-Odysseus bridge is using ports beginning from startingPort to establish new connections between JEPC and the Odysseus server.

Configuring the Odysseus Server

JEPC requries for pattern matching the plug-in CEP Feauture in Odysseus server. By default, this plug-in is not installed. The CEP Feauture plug-in can be installed via the update manager in Odysseus studio:

A new dialog opens and requries to select a update site. By default, there is the official update site already available:

After the official update site has been loaded, the CEP Feauture can be selected and installed: