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Wavelet and Multiscale Library
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Frequently Asked Questions

Here, you can find important information about the context of this Wavelet and Multiscale Library and its terms of use. You may navigate this page by using the directory on the left.

Q: What is this Wavelet and Multiscale Library all about?

A: This Wavelet and Multiscale Library in essence is a map with the aim to generate a platform for scholars, tutors, and researchers. The focus of this library are basis-oriented algorithms that use ansatz systems with multiscale structure and their mathematical background on research level. It aims to enable students to get in contact with the topic, so that they may write their thesis in this subject. Providing demo software and examples, it aims to support teachers in their lectures. Last but not least, it aims to enable researchers to communicate their findings and to present them to a broad audience.

Q: How can I use this Wavelet and Multiscale Library?

A: The Tutorial page may serve you as a starting point to the mathematical background of ansatz systems with multiscale structure and their applications. The 'Further reading' links, within every topic, provide you with a list of research papers that are well suited to start your studies in this topic. First applications and examples are given in the Demo page, which provides a straightforward approach to the algorithms and aims to support lecturers and presentations. Furthermore, the Download page provides a short cut to the software packages. There, you can find the installation steps and the structure of the software.

Q: How can I participate?

A: Get in contact under waveletsoft@mathematik.uni-marburg.de. If you provide additional information on the subject or submit applicable software for this Wavelet and Multiscale Library you are already participating.

Q: How is this library funded?

A: This library is currently funded by our sponsor. The second supporting pillar is the joint work of all of the participating universities and workgroups.

Q: Under what licence is the content within the Wavelet and Multiscale Library distributed?

A: Every content, algorithm or software package within or linked from this Wavelet and Multiscale Library comes with its own End User License Agreement (EULA). If not explicitely stated otherwise or unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, all content within this Wavelet and Multiscale Library is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied.

Q: Which programming language is used within this Wavelet and Multiscale Library?

A: This Wavelet and Multiscale Library is organized based on a mathematical context, so no specific programming language is necessary or even available. You may submit scripts or native source code within the topic of this library, and your software should execute according to your description or documentation. Also, make sure to include your desired End User License Agreement (EULA). We encourage every participant to allow for the extention of their algorithms by other or new participants, e.g., adaption, conversion or inclusion into other toolboxes.

Q: Why the term Waveletsoft in the website address?

A: The website and e-mail address for this Wavelet and Multiscale Library are of temporary nature. If this project will be successful in its objectives it will move to a more permanent web account.