Workgroup Numerics

Frühere Forschungsschwerpunkte

  • Construction of Wavelets

    • Construction of Interpolating Scaling Functions
      The aim of this project is the construction of smooth and localized refinable functions and wavelets for general scaling matrices. The number of wavelets and therefore the overall complexity depends on the determinant of the scaling matrix. Therefore one is interested in scaling matrices with small determinant. Moreover, it has turned out that in many applications especially the use of interpolating scaling functions provides some advantages.
      There existed cooperations with Karl-Heinz Gröchenig, Peter Maaß and Gerd Teschke
      Poster: Two-Dimensional Interpolating Lagrange Wavelets

    • Dual Systems for General Scalings
      For interpolating scaling functions it is easy to derive a corresponding wavelet basis. This basis can be viewed as a variant of the well-known hierarchical basis. However, for stability reasons, this is not always the best choice. To obtain stable basis for function spaces such as Sobolev or Besov spaces one needs moreover suitable dual systems.
      We cooperated with Peter Maaß and Gerd Teschke
      Poster: Interpolationg Scaling Functions with Smooth Duals

  • Wavelet Quadrature Formulas
    Any application of wavelets in signal processing or in numerical analysis requires the computation of integrals of the form
    \int_{\mathbb R}f(x)\psi(2^jx-k)\,dx
    A naive approach using standard quadrature rules would not be successful since the wavelet \psi is not necessarily very smooth and, moreover, it might not be known explicitly. In this context, specific quadrature rules of Gauss type have turned out to be very powerful.
    This was a joint project with Arne Barinka, Titus Barsch and Michael Konik.

  • Applications of Wavelet Methods to the Analysis of Radar Data
    The basic radar problem asks to gain information about an object by analyzing waves reflected from it. This task is relatively easy if the object can be described as a single point. Additional problems occur if one wants to observe a reflecting continuum with varying reflectivity described by a reflectivity density. Then this reflectivity density cannot be reconstructed by transmitting just one signal. Therefore we suggest not to transmit just one signal but a family of signals. Indeed, it can be shown that a complete reconstruction is possible, provided that the family of outgoing signals forms a frame.
    Within this project, we cooperate with Peter Maaß and Gerd Teschke
    Poster: Reconstruction of Reflectivity Densities by Frame Techniques Poster: Reconstruction of Reflectivity Densities by Frame Techniques II